Discussion 12: Interpreters, SQL

This is an online worksheet that you can work on during discussions. Your work is not graded and you do not need to submit anything.


Recall the calculator interpreter you implemented in Lab 12. The following is an extension of that prompt.

Q1: Counting Eval and Apply

How many calls to calc_eval and calc_apply would it take to evaluate each of the following Calculator expressions?

scm> (+ 1 2)

For this particular prompt please list out the inputs to calc_eval and calc_apply.

scm> (+ 2 4 6 8)

scm> (+ 2 (* 4 (- 6 8)))

scm> (and 1 (+ 1 0) 0)

scm> (and (+ 1 0) (< 1 0) (/ 1 0))

Q2: From Pair to Calculator

Write out the Calculator expression with proper syntax that corresponds to the following Pair constructor calls.

>>> Pair('+', Pair(1, Pair(2, Pair(3, Pair(4, nil)))))
>>> Pair('+', Pair(1, Pair(Pair('*', Pair(2, Pair(3, nil))), nil)))
>>> Pair('and', Pair(Pair('<', Pair(1, Pair(0, nil))), Pair(Pair('/', Pair(1, Pair(0, nil))), nil)))


SQL is an example of a declarative programming language. Statements do not describe computations directly, but instead describe the desired result of some computation. It is the role of the query interpreter of the database system to plan and perform a computational process to produce such a result.

For this discussion, you can test out your code at sql.cs61a.org. The records table should already be loaded in. We can use a SELECT statement to create tables. The following statement creates a table with a single row, with columns named “first” and “last”:

sqlite> SELECT "Ben" AS first, "Bitdiddle" AS last;

Given two tables with the same number of columns, we can combine their rows into a larger table with UNION:

sqlite> SELECT "Ben" AS first, "Bitdiddle" AS last UNION
...> SELECT "Louis", "Reasoner";

We can SELECT specific values from an existing table using a FROM clause. This query creates a table with two columns, with a row for each row in the records table:

sqlite> SELECT name, division FROM records;
Alyssa P Hacker|Computer
Robert Cratchet|Accounting

The special syntax SELECT * will select all columns from a table. It’s an easy way to print the contents of a table.

sqlite> SELECT * FROM records;
Alyssa P Hacker|Computer|Programmer|40000|Ben Bitdiddle
Robert Cratchet|Accounting|Scrivener|18000|Eben Scrooge

We can choose which columns to show in the first part of the SELECT, we can filter out rows using a WHERE clause, and sort the resulting rows with an ORDER BY clause. In general the syntax is:

SELECT [columns] FROM [tables]
WHERE [condition] ORDER BY [criteria];

For instance, the following statement lists all information about employees with the “Programmer” title.

sqlite> SELECT * FROM records WHERE title = "Programmer";
Alyssa P Hacker|Computer|Programmer|40000|Ben Bitdiddle
Cy D Fect|Computer|Programmer|35000|Ben Bitdiddle

The following statement lists the names and salaries of each employee under the accounting division, sorted in descending order by their salaries.

sqlite> SELECT name, salary FROM records
...> WHERE division = "Accounting" ORDER BY salary desc;
Eben Scrooge|75000
Robert Cratchet|18000

Note that all valid SQL statements must be terminated by a semicolon (;). Additionally, you can split up your statement over many lines and add as much whitespace as you want, much like Scheme. But keep in mind that having consistent indentation and line breaking does make your code a lot more readable to others (and your future self)!

SQL Practice

The next part of the discussion will refer to the table records, which stores information about the employees at a small company.


name division title salary supervisor
Ben Bitdiddle Computer Wizard 60000 Oliver Warbucks
Alyssa P Hacker Computer Programmer 40000 Ben Bitdiddle
Cy D Fect Computer Programmer 35000 Ben Bitdiddle
Lem E Tweakit Computer Technician 25000 Ben Bitdiddle
Louis Reasoner Computer Programmer Trainee 30000 Alyssa P Hacker
Oliver Warbucks Administration Big Wheel 150000 Oliver Warbucks
Eben Scrooge Accounting Chief Accountant 75000 Oliver Warbucks
Lana Lambda Administration Executive Director 610000 Lana Lambda

Q3: Oliver Employees

Write a query that outputs the names of employees that Oliver Warbucks directly supervises.

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Q4: Self Supervisor

Write a query that outputs all information about employees that supervise themselves.

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Q5: Rich Employees

Write a query that outputs the names of all employees with salary greater than 50,000 in alphabetical order.

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Q6: Raises

This last question refers to the following salaries table:


name salary2022 salary2023
Ben Bitdiddle 60000 80000
Alyssa P Hacker 40000 80000
Cy D Fect 35000 74000
Lem E Tweakit 25000 28000
Louis Reasoner 30000 30000
Oliver Warbucks 150000 120000
Eben Scrooge 75000 76000
Robert Cratchet 18000 20000
Lana Lambda 610000 610000

Write a query that outputs the names of the top 3 employees with the largest salary raises from 2022 to 2023 along with their corresponding salary raises, ordered from largest to smallest raise.

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Additional Exam Practice: Scheme Lists

Q7: Longest increasing subsequence

Write the procedure longest-increasing-subsequence, which takes in a list lst and returns the longest subsequence in which all the terms are increasing. Note: the elements do not have to appear consecutively in the original list. For example, the longest increasing subsequence of (1 2 3 4 9 3 4 1 10 5) is (1 2 3 4 9 10). Assume that the longest increasing subsequence is unique.

Hint: The built-in procedures length (documentation) and filter (documentation) might be helpful to solving this problem.

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