Working with Unix

To cancel a command in the shell, press Ctrl-C. It almost always works.

list files in the current directory
mkdir proj1
make a new directory called proj1
cd proj1
change current directory to proj1
cd ..
change to the parent directory
shorthand for cd ~ which means "change to home directory"
mv twenty-one.scm proj1
move the file twenty-one.scm to the proj1 directory
mv homework1.scm hw1.scm
move (rename) the file homework1.scm to hw1.scm (notice the behavior of mv depends on whether the target is an existing directory!)
cp ~cs61a/lib/plural.scm .
copy the file plural.scm in the lib directory in cs61a's home folder to the current directory
rm lab1
remove the file lab1 (from the current directory)
rmdir tmp
remove the directory called tmp, which must be empty
firefox &
start Firefox, in the background — leaving off the ampersand means the shell will wait for Firefox to quit before accepting any more commands
emacs &
start Emacs, in the background — ditto Firefox
emacs hw1.scm &
start Emacs and edit hw1.scm
lpr lab1
print the file lab1 to the nearest inst printer — don't use this logging in from home!
submit hw1
submit the files in the current directory for assignment hw1
glookup -t
see what you've turned in
check your grades

Working with Emacs

The command C-x C-s is read "control-X control-S" and means "holding control, press X, then release, then holding control, press S". M-s is read "meta-S", and the diamond key (◆) is the meta key. M-x run-scheme means "holding meta, press X, then type run-scheme, then press Return".

Some commands (like creating or opening files) require input in the single line at the bottom of the Emacs window (called the minibuffer). If you're in the middle of such a command, C-g will cancel it.

Many of the menu commands have keyboard shortcuts as well. Some like to use them, some don't. An advantage of learning them is being able to work in a console-based Emacs.

Split the window and run Scheme
M-x run-scheme
Run Scheme in the current split (useful if it crashes)
C-c C-c
Interrupt a running Scheme program
M-p and M-n
At the Scheme prompt, get the previous or next line entered
C-x u
Undo — you can get other Edit menu commands from the menu, but this one might bug you for a while
If the cursor is at an open paren, reindent everything inside the parens
Reindent everything selected

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