from ucb import main class Board: def __init__(self, n): self.n = n # Create an n by n board, with no pieces self.board = [] for i in range(n): self.board.append([' '] * n) # A player_type is just the string 'X' or 'O' def play_move(self, player_type, column, row): assert player_type == 'X' or player_type == 'O' if self.board[row][column] == ' ': self.board[row][column] = player_type return True return False def is_full(self): for row in range(self.n): if ' ' in self.board[row]: return False return True def has_won(self, player_type): # Check for a winning row if [player_type] * self.n in self.board: return True # Check for a winning column for i in range(self.n): winning_column = True for j in range(self.n): if self.board[j][i] != player_type: winning_column = False if winning_column: return True # Check for a winning diagonal winning_main_diagonal = True winning_off_diagonal = True for i in range(self.n): if self.board[i][i] != player_type: winning_main_diagonal = False if self.board[i][self.n - i - 1] != player_type: winning_off_diagonal = False return winning_main_diagonal or winning_off_diagonal # Pretty prints the board def __str__(self): separator = ' ' + ('|---' * self.n) + '|\n' result = ' ' + ' '.join([str(x) for x in range(self.n)]) + '\n' result += separator for i in range(self.n): result += str(i) + ' | ' + ' | '.join(self.board[i]) + ' |\n' result += separator return result class Player: def __init__(self, name, board, player_type): = name self.board = board self.player_type = player_type def make_move(self): # Loop forever until the user enters a valid move while True: move = input('Enter a move in the form "column row", ' + + ': ') move = self.parse_move(move) if move: column, row = move if self.board.play_move(self.player_type, column, row): # Only once we get a valid move do we stop the loop return print('Invalid move') def parse_move(self, move): tokens = move.strip().split() if len(tokens) != 2: return False column, row = tokens try: column, row = int(column), int(row) if column in range(self.board.n) and row in range(self.board.n): return column, row return False except ValueError: return False @main def play_game(n=3): # Set up all of the objects board = Board(n) name1 = input('Enter your name, player 1: ') player1 = Player(name1, board, 'X') name2 = input('Enter your name, player 2: ') player2 = Player(name2, board, 'O') # Play the game # Players alternate turns # Game ends if someone wins or the board becomes full. curr_player, other_player = player1, player2 while not board.is_full(): print('Current board is:') print(board) curr_player.make_move() if board.has_won(curr_player.player_type): print( + ' wins!') print(board) return curr_player, other_player = other_player, curr_player # If we reach here, the board must be full. print('The game is a draw.') print(board)