;;; Scheme Recursive Art Contest Entry ;;; ;;; Please do not include your name or personal info in this file. ;;; ;;; Title: ;;; ;;; Description: ;;; <"I can't think of anything to say except... ;;; I think it's marvelous! ;;; HaHaHa!"> (define (draw) ; YOUR CODE HERE (define b (rgb 0 0 0)) (define w (rgb 255 255 255)) (define red (rgb 237 28 36)) (define ora (rgb 255 128 0)) (define yrl (rgb 255 255 0)) (define grn (rgb 0 219 0)) (define blu (rgb 72 164 255)) (define ind (rgb 176 154 254)) (pixelsize 3) (bgcolor b) (color w) (pu) (goto 0 220) (pd) (setheading 150) (fd 350) (setheading 270) (fd 350) (setheading 30) (fd 350) (pu) (goto -512 -35) (setheading 75) (pd) (fd 445) (goto -512 -34) (fd 446) (goto -512 -33) (fd 447) (define (fading a) (if (> a 0) (begin (fd 2) (color (rgb a a a)) (fading (- a 2))) )) (define (ez time) (if (< 0 time) (begin (pd) (right 0.01) (fd 600) (pu) (back 600) (ez (- time 1) )))) (define (on a max colour) (begin (fading a) (color colour) (right 20) (ez 120) (left 21.2) (back a) (pd) (right 1) (if (> 15 max) (on (+ a 1) (+ 1 max) colour ) ) )) (on 140 13 red) (on 145 14 ora) (on 145 14 yrl) (on 147 14 grn) (on 150 14 blu) (on 152 14 ind) (exitonclick)) ; Please leave this last line alone. You may add additional procedures above ; this line. (draw)