def make_fib(): """Returns a function that returns the next Fibonacci number every time it is called. >>> fib = make_fib() >>> fib() 0 >>> fib() 1 >>> fib() 1 >>> fib() 2 >>> fib() 3 >>> fib2 = make_fib() >>> fib() + sum([fib2() for _ in range(5)]) 12 """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def make_withdraw(balance, password): """Return a password-protected withdraw function. >>> w = make_withdraw(100, 'hax0r') >>> w(25, 'hax0r') 75 >>> error = w(90, 'hax0r') >>> error 'Insufficient funds' >>> error = w(25, 'hwat') >>> error 'Incorrect password' >>> new_bal = w(25, 'hax0r') >>> new_bal 50 >>> w(75, 'a') 'Incorrect password' >>> w(10, 'hax0r') 40 >>> w(20, 'n00b') 'Incorrect password' >>> w(10, 'hax0r') "Your account is locked. Attempts: ['hwat', 'a', 'n00b']" >>> w(10, 'l33t') "Your account is locked. Attempts: ['hwat', 'a', 'n00b']" >>> type(w(10, 'l33t')) == str True """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" class Mint: """A mint creates coins by stamping on years. The update method sets the mint's stamp to Mint.current_year. >>> mint = Mint() >>> mint.year 2019 >>> dime = mint.create(Dime) >>> dime.year 2019 >>> Mint.current_year = 2100 # Time passes >>> nickel = mint.create(Nickel) >>> nickel.year # The mint has not updated its stamp yet 2019 >>> nickel.worth() # 5 cents + (81 - 50 years) 36 >>> mint.update() # The mint's year is updated to 2100 >>> Mint.current_year = 2175 # More time passes >>> mint.create(Dime).worth() # 10 cents + (75 - 50 years) 35 >>> Mint().create(Dime).worth() # A new mint has the current year 10 >>> dime.worth() # 10 cents + (106 - 50 years) 116 >>> Dime.cents = 20 # Upgrade all dimes! >>> dime.worth() # 20 cents + (106 - 50 years) 126 """ current_year = 2019 def __init__(self): self.update() def create(self, kind): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def update(self): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" class Coin: def __init__(self, year): self.year = year def worth(self): "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" class Nickel(Coin): cents = 5 class Dime(Coin): cents = 10 class VendingMachine: """A vending machine that vends some product for some price. >>> v = VendingMachine('candy', 10) >>> v.vend() 'Machine is out of stock.' >>> v.deposit(15) 'Machine is out of stock. Here is your $15.' >>> v.restock(2) 'Current candy stock: 2' >>> v.vend() 'You must deposit $10 more.' >>> v.deposit(7) 'Current balance: $7' >>> v.vend() 'You must deposit $3 more.' >>> v.deposit(5) 'Current balance: $12' >>> v.vend() 'Here is your candy and $2 change.' >>> v.deposit(10) 'Current balance: $10' >>> v.vend() 'Here is your candy.' >>> v.deposit(15) 'Machine is out of stock. Here is your $15.' >>> w = VendingMachine('soda', 2) >>> w.restock(3) 'Current soda stock: 3' >>> w.restock(3) 'Current soda stock: 6' >>> w.deposit(2) 'Current balance: $2' >>> w.vend() 'Here is your soda.' """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def remove_all(link , value): """Remove all the nodes containing value in link. Assume that the first element is never removed. >>> l1 = Link(0, Link(2, Link(2, Link(3, Link(1, Link(2, Link(3))))))) >>> print(l1) <0 2 2 3 1 2 3> >>> remove_all(l1, 2) >>> print(l1) <0 3 1 3> >>> remove_all(l1, 3) >>> print(l1) <0 1> >>> remove_all(l1, 3) >>> print(l1) <0 1> """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" def generate_paths(t, x): """Yields all possible paths from the root of t to a node with the label x as a list. >>> t1 = Tree(1, [Tree(2, [Tree(3), Tree(4, [Tree(6)]), Tree(5)]), Tree(5)]) >>> print(t1) 1 2 3 4 6 5 5 >>> next(generate_paths(t1, 6)) [1, 2, 4, 6] >>> path_to_5 = generate_paths(t1, 5) >>> sorted(list(path_to_5)) [[1, 2, 5], [1, 5]] >>> t2 = Tree(0, [Tree(2, [t1])]) >>> print(t2) 0 2 1 2 3 4 6 5 5 >>> path_to_2 = generate_paths(t2, 2) >>> sorted(list(path_to_2)) [[0, 2], [0, 2, 1, 2]] """ "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" for _______________ in _________________: for _______________ in _________________: "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" ## Link Class ## class Link: """A linked list. >>> s = Link(1) >>> s.first 1 >>> is Link.empty True >>> s = Link(2, Link(3, Link(4))) >>> s.first = 5 >>> = 6 >>> = Link.empty >>> s # Displays the contents of repr(s) Link(5, Link(6)) >>> = Link(7, Link(Link(8, Link(9)))) >>> s Link(5, Link(7, Link(Link(8, Link(9))))) >>> print(s) # Prints str(s) <5 7 <8 9>> """ empty = () def __init__(self, first, rest=empty): assert rest is Link.empty or isinstance(rest, Link) self.first = first = rest def __repr__(self): if is not Link.empty: rest_repr = ', ' + repr( else: rest_repr = '' return 'Link(' + repr(self.first) + rest_repr + ')' def __str__(self): string = '<' while is not Link.empty: string += str(self.first) + ' ' self = return string + str(self.first) + '>' ## Tree Class ## class Tree: """ >>> t = Tree(3, [Tree(2, [Tree(5)]), Tree(4)]) >>> t.label 3 >>> t.branches[0].label 2 >>> t.branches[1].is_leaf() True """ def __init__(self, label, branches=[]): for b in branches: assert isinstance(b, Tree) self.label = label self.branches = list(branches) def is_leaf(self): return not self.branches def map(self, fn): """ Apply a function `fn` to each node in the tree and mutate the tree. >>> t1 = Tree(1) >>> x: x + 2) >>> x : x * 4) >>> t1.label 12 >>> t2 = Tree(3, [Tree(2, [Tree(5)]), Tree(4)]) >>> x: x * x) >>> t2 Tree(9, [Tree(4, [Tree(25)]), Tree(16)]) """ self.label = fn(self.label) for b in self.branches: def __contains__(self, e): """ Determine whether an element exists in the tree. >>> t1 = Tree(1) >>> 1 in t1 True >>> 8 in t1 False >>> t2 = Tree(3, [Tree(2, [Tree(5)]), Tree(4)]) >>> 6 in t2 False >>> 5 in t2 True """ if self.label == e: return True for b in self.branches: if e in b: return True return False def __repr__(self): if self.branches: branch_str = ', ' + repr(self.branches) else: branch_str = '' return 'Tree({0}{1})'.format(self.label, branch_str) def __str__(self): def print_tree(t, indent=0): tree_str = ' ' * indent + str(t.label) + "\n" for b in t.branches: tree_str += print_tree(b, indent + 1) return tree_str return print_tree(self).rstrip()