CS61B Lab #11 Getting Started: An Exercise in Using a Library ----------------------------------------------- First, set up your project 3 working directory. Look over section 4 of the project 3 specification, which describes the format of the command line with which you start your Lines of Action game. Also take a look at the files Main.java, Game.java, and Reporter.java. Finally, look at our online documentation for ucb.util.CommandArgs (see the Tool Documentation->UCB Package Documentation links from the class home page). At this point, you should have enough information to complete Main.java fairly quickly. All that Main.main needs to do (at least with the skeleton as it stands) is to interpret the command-line arguments, create an appropriate Game, and call its play() method. For now, put a debugging statement into Game.play that will print the Game's parameters (as set by Main) when the debugging level is non- zero. Timing ------ Project 3 calls for putting a time limit on moves. For now let's just just do a finger exercise that might suggest how to do it for real. Take a look at the Stopwatch or Ticker class in the UCB Package Documentation. Then see if you can fill in the TimeLimits.java class in this directory so that it prints an appropriate message ("Player 1 ran out of time.") and exits when one side or the other runs out of time. [NOTE: your actual game program should NOT exit immediately, but wait for a 'q' command or end of input.] What to Submit -------------- For this lab, submit TimeLimits.java, plus a copy of Main.java and Game.java (in your lab11 directory).