This directory contains a skeleton for CS61B Project 3. Although some of what's in here might seem mysterious to you, try to understand what it's all for. Don't be afraid to ask us about it. The skeleton files are YOURS TO CHANGE AS YOU DESIRE!!! CONTENTS: ReadMe This file. Makefile A makefile (for gmake) that will compile your files and run tests. You must turn in a Makefile, 'gmake ' must compile all your files, and 'gmake check' must perform all your tests. Currently, this makefile is set up to do just that with our skeleton files. Be sure to keep it up to date. loa/ Directory containing the Lines of Action package. Makefile A convenience Makefile so that you can issue compilation commands from the game directory. An enumerated type describing the two sides (black or white). An enumerated type describing the kinds of pieces. Represents a single move. Represents a game board. Contains much of the machinery for checking or generating possible moves. A subtype of Board on which one can make moves. A kind of Player that reads moves from the standard input (i.e., presumably from a human player). A kind of Player that chooses its moves automatically. From Project 2: a utility class for handling debugging output. Class that performs unit testing of the loa package. tests/ A directory of tests. At the moment, there's nothing there. We'll be supplying a testing script (test-loa) and a sample test in a bit. test*.inp Test cases. Each one is input to a testing script test-loa, which we will be providing.