import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Scanner; import; /* import java.util.Collections Hint: may be useful for 2b. */ /** Program to read a sequences of words and print all words in it that * appear more than once. * @author P. N. Hilfinger */ public class Dups2 { /** Read the sequence of words on INPUT, and return as a List. If LINKED, * use a linked representation. Otherwise, use an array representation. */ static List readList(Scanner input, boolean linked) { List L; if (linked) { L = new LinkedList(); } else { L = new ArrayList(); } while (input.hasNext()) { L.add(; } return L; } /** Return a list of all items in L that appear more than once. * Each item appears once in the result. */ static List duplicates(List L) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); int n; n = 0; for (ListIterator p1 = L.listIterator(); p1.hasNext(); n += 1) { String x =; if (result.contains(x)) { continue; } int m; m = L.size() - 1; for (ListIterator p2 = L.listIterator(L.size()); m > n; m -= 1) { if (x.equals(p2.previous())) { result.add(x); break; } } } return result; } /** Print the items in L on OUTPUT on a line, separated by blanks. */ static void writeList(List L, PrintStream output) { /* The following loop is short for * for (Iterator _i_ = L.iterator(); L.hasNext(); ) { * String x =; * output.printf("%s ", x); * } */ for (String x : L) { output.printf("%s ", x); } output.println(); } /** Read words from the standard input and print the list of duplicated * words. Internally use a linked representation for the input list * iff ARGS[0] is "linked". */ public static void main(String... args) { boolean useLinked = args.length == 0 || args[0].equals("linked"); writeList(duplicates(readList(new Scanner(, useLinked)), System.out); } }