import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; /** A simple test framework for playing around with Patterns. * @author P. N. Hilfinger. */ public class Matching { /** java Matching reads in pairs of potentially multi-line * strings, with each string terminated by the sequence * "///". For each pair, S and P, it interprets P as a * Pattern and reports whether it matches the string S. If they * match, it additionally prints out the captured groups, * specified in P by parentheses. Input terminates at the * string "QUIT///" */ public static void main(String[] ignored) { Scanner inp = new Scanner(; inp.useDelimiter("///\r?\n"); System.out.println("Enter QUIT/// to end the program."); while (true) { System.out.println("One or more lines, ending with " + "/// and a newline."); if (!inp.hasNext() || inp.hasNext("QUIT")) { break; } String str =; System.out.println("Enter a pattern, ending with " + "/// and a newline."); if (!inp.hasNext() || inp.hasNext("QUIT")) { break; } String patn =; Matcher mat = Pattern.compile(patn).matcher(str); if (mat.matches()) { System.out.println("Matches."); for (int i = 1; i <= mat.groupCount(); i += 1) { System.out.printf(" Group %d: '%s'%n", i,; } } else { System.out.println("No match."); } } } }