package tex61; import static tex61.FormatException.error; /** A PageAssembler accepts complete lines of text (minus any * terminating newlines) and turns them into pages, adding form * feeds as needed. It prepends a form feed (Control-L or ASCII 12) * to the first line of each page after the first. By overriding the * 'write' method, subtypes can determine what is done with * the finished lines. * @author */ abstract class PageAssembler { /** Create a new PageAssembler. Initially, its text height is unlimited. * It prepends a form feed character to the first line of each page * except the first. */ PageAssembler() { // FIXME } /** Add LINE to the current page, starting a new page with it if * the previous page is full. A null LINE indicates a skipped line, * and has no effect at the top of a page. */ void addLine(String line) { // FIXME } /** Set text height to VAL, where VAL > 0. */ void setTextHeight(int val) { // FIXME } /** Perform final disposition of LINE, as determined by the * concrete subtype. */ abstract void write(String line); // FIXME }