The PCalc Polynomial Calculator Users' Guide and Reference P. N. Hilfinger The Polynomial Calculator (pcalc) provides a simple interface for inputting multivariable polynomials, for adding, subtracting, and multiplying them, for performing substitutions of their variables, and for simplifying them to a canonical form. Input is free format. A polynomial is written according to the following BNF: ::= | ::= "+" | "-" ::= "-" | ::= | ::= | "^" ::= | | "(" ")" | ::= "(" ")" | "(" ")" ::= non-negative decimal numeral ::= single lower-case letter ::= single upper-case letter ::= | "," The s in a are multipled. The "^" syntax denotes exponentiation. All integer constants and all coefficients in computed polynomials must be in the range -2**63 .. 2**63-1, or the results are undefined. All exponents must be in the range 0 .. 2**31-1. The possible input commands are as follows: # Arbitrary text A one-line comment. ; Simplifies and prints . DEF ( ) = ; Defines the function call (p1, to be with p1,...,pn substituted for the variables in (which is a comma-separated list of 0 or more s). Only the variables in may appear in . QUIT EXIT Exit the program. Command input is free-format; commands (other than comments) may cross line boundaries, and multiple commands are allowed on a line. EXAMPLE: In the following, input from the terminal is marked with a "> " prompt. Pcalc, version 1.0 > # Computation of aX^3 + bX^2 + cX + d > DEF P(x,a,b,c,d) = d+x(c+x(b+ax)); > P(y,1,-2,3,4); = y^3-2y^2+3y+4 > P(z,0,0,1,2)P(y,1,-2,3,4); = y^3z+2y^3-2y^2z-4y^2+3yz+6y+4 > (y-2)(z+1); = yz+y-2z-2 > P(z,0,0,1,2)-P(z,1,-2,1,4); = -z^3+2z^2-2 > QUIT