Project #3 Notes, Spring 2006

This is a collection of (hopefully) helpful notes concerning the Jumping Cubes project.

Changes from the orginal assignment

  1. We've updated the rules to cover the case where one player wins, but the spots never stop jumping. The stopping rule for dealing with overfull squares now states that the game stops as soon as all squares have the same color (and that player therefore wins). As an example where this matters, consider a 3x3 board containing
       2r 3b 2r
       3r 4b 3r
       2b 3b 2r
    At this point, it is Blue's turn. However, the board is full, so no matter what move he makes, there will be at least one overfull square thereafter. However, since all the squares will also turn blue, we can use that fact to stop and declare victory for Blue.

Various clarifications

Q: What exactly is the effect of 'auto'?

A: It causes Player #1's moves to be machine-generated in playing mode. It does not have any effect until the 'start' command is issued.

Q: Does finishing a game in effect execute a 'manual' command?

A: No. An 'auto' command, once issued, stays in effect after a game terminates. It simply has no effect until the next 'start' command.

Waiting for multiple events

[5/3/2006] You are not required to wait for multiple events simultaneously. For example, while you wait for an opponent's move, you are not required to notice that your user has typed in "quit". Yes, your program will hang as a result; tough.

Now if you want to be able to wait for commands both from Player #1 and Player #2, you'll probably want to make these Players into threads. A simple technique might be to have them communicate with the Game (which can just be the main thread) through one purely local Mailbox, and to somehow tag each command with what player sent it. The Game can then loop, receiving commands from this mailbox. As I say, you may do that if you like, but we do not require anything so elaborate.

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Page was last modified on Fri May 5 01:30:40 2006.
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