Lab 3: IntDLists and Debugging

Due Date: Friday 2/4 11:59PM PT.

Table of Contents

A. Partnership in Labs

Partnership in CS61B labs is optional. If you do decide to work on labs in pairs, some important rules on working with partners are described below. Please make sure that you understand all of these policies so that you do not commit an act of academic dishonesty.

B. Git Exercise

By this point in the semester you have been using Git to track your work and submit your assignments. We realize that it is not always the most intuitive program to use, but hopefully you are becoming more comfortable using it. Additionally as we have been repeating you should have read sections A, B, C, and F of the Git guide. If you have not read this, please do so as it will help you with the checkoff. Also, we highly recommend you to watch the Git Intro videos from previous semesters to get a better understanding of Git.

In this lab checkoff, you will be working through a small Git workflow by setting up a Git repository (that will be separate from the repo you have been working in for the class so far) and making a couple commits to the repository. Then, you will need to complete a Gradescope quiz based on this Git repository you set up to receive the check-off credit. Please follow the instructions below to set up a Git repository and then complete the Gradescope check-off quiz. If you’re stuck on a step at any point, don’t hesitate to ask a TA or an academic intern for help!

  1. Create a directory called lab3-checkoff. The location does not matter that much, as long as it is not inside your exisitng git repository repo. You will need to remember its location to be checked off.
  2. cd into the lab3-checkoff directory, and initialize a Git repository in this directory. Make sure you are in the lab3-checkoff folder before initializing the repository..
  3. Create a file called 61b.txt in any way you’d like. In this .txt file, add the text "61b version 1" into it.
  4. Create another file called 61c.txt in any way you’d like. In this .txt file, add the text "61c version 1" into it.
  5. Begin tracking only 61b.txt, and create a new commit containing just this file, with the following commit message: "Add 61b.txt".
  6. Make a modification in 61b.txt by changing the text in the file to: "61b changed to version 2".
  7. Make another commit, this time containing both 61b.txt and 61c.txt. The commit message should be: "Update 61b.txt and add 61c.txt".
  8. Finally, make one more modification to 61b.txt by changing the text in the file to: "61b changed to version 3". Don’t commit this version.

Now, you should go to Gradescope to complete the Lab 3: Git Check-off quiz. Again, if you’re stuck on a step at any point, don’t hesitate to ask a TA or an academic intern for help!

Note: To ensure that you are following the instructions to set up the lab3-checkoff Git repository, we will not release the grades for the Gradescope check-off quiz until after the deadline. However, we will double your check-off quiz score when using it to calculate the final Lab 3 score (i.e., max(100%, (YOURCHECKOFFSCORE/TOTALQUIZSCORE) * 2) = Your final check-off points for Lab 3).

C. Preliminaries

As usual, you can retrieve the files for this lab (after first using git status, git commit, and git push to make sure you have cleaned up, committed, and pushed everything that needs it) with

$ git fetch shared
$ git merge shared/lab3 -m "Start lab3"
$ git push

This will add shared/lab3 to your current branch (in this case, master). When opening the project in IntelliJ, remember to add the libraries through File -> Project Structure -> Libraries -> +, then select the lib folder in cs61b-software.

When you are ready to submit your work, commit and push everything, and then use

$ git tag lab3-1      # Or whatever sequence number you get to
$ git push
$ git push --tags

If you want to download lab3 in another local repository (e.g., you started on the instructional machines and now want to work entirely on your own laptop) then go into this other repository (presumably cloned from your central cs61b repository) and (after committing and pushing anything you already have there) run

$ git pull

D. IntDList Overview

Here are the lab walkthrough videos for IntDList:

In class, you've seen what is called a singly linked list, IntList. The term singly linked refers to the single pointer (or link), .tail, used to traverse the elements of the list. For this problem, we'll define a new data structure, the IntDList, which uses a doubly linked list.
The IntDList class uses another internal data structure, called a DNode, to actually house its data. Read through to see why we refer to this as an internal data structure!!! Each DNode has two pointers, _prev and _next. _prev points to the previous DNode in the chain, and _next points to the next DNode in the sequence. Each Dnode also stores a value, called _val.

Note that the IntDList itself contains two pointers, _front and _back. _front points to the first DNode in the chain and _back points to the last. For example, if d were an IntDList, this is how we could represent the sequence [3, 14, 15]:

Sample IntDList

Note that the pointers in this diagram point to the entire boxes they are directed towards, not just the smaller boxes within. Thus, _front points to a DNode whose _prev is null, _val is 3, and _next points to a DNode whose _val is 14. If we wanted to get 14, we could say either _front._next._val or _back._prev._val.

Self Test - To help ourselves work with IntDLists, answer the following question: What are the data types for _front, _back, _prev, _next, and _val? Hint: 4 of them share the same type.

Answer - _front, _back, _prev, and _next have type DNode, and _val has type int.

As you can see, unlike IntList, there's an extra level of indirection at work here. The user (or client) of IntDList doesn't see the actual DNodes that hold the data. This has various advantages. One of them is that the client can now do operations that modify the list without having to return and reassign its value (that is, we can use void methods to insert and delete things). That's because we never change the pointer to the IntDList itself; we only modify its fields. Another is that we can change our implementation of our IntDList without requiring that anyone change the way they use our IntDList class.

Reflecting on our current design, is there anything that can be simplified? It seems like our IntDList stores a pointer to a "next" node (_front) and a pointer to a "previous" node (_back). Could we instead have our IntDList only store a pointer to a special DNode, whose _next points to whichever _front would've pointed to and whose _prev points to whichever _back would've pointed to? This is called a sentinel node. The doubly linked list with a sentinel node is typically used in practice as the linked list representation, like in Java's own standard library class, java.util.LinkedList. While you won't be implementing this exact design today, it's good practice to reflect on the pros and cons of our current design, and the implications on performance and development.

If you are still unsure about IntDLists, here are some slides describing the above information with more graphics.

E. IntDList Practice

This lab has two parts: IntDList Practice and Debugging Practice. When you fetch the skeleton code, you should see 4 java files:

For part 1, we will be implementing some basic methods dealing with size, insertion, deletion and string representation of IntDLIst.

You are supposed to fill in the following methods in Tests are in Note that some tests will not work until you implement insertBack which the IntDList constructor depends on. So, we recommend you to implement in the order listed below:

While we haven't explicitly talked about toString very much, treat this as an exercise in asking your peers, academic interns, TAs, or the internet for advice. Note that the IntDList constructor calls insertBack, so you will need to implement insertBack before running any unit tests in the IntDListTest class.

F. Debugging Practice

We're going to go through a short debugging exercise in

There are 2 files involved here.

Let us go over what is the expected behavior of these methods:

For this part of lab, you are supposed to -

  1. Either Replace a single line marked with // FIXME: annotation.
  2. Or Write few lines of code in the designated space marked with // --- WRITE ADDITIONAL LINES OF CODE --.

NOTE: DO NOT modify any other lines or write your own code in non-designated space in order to make test cases pass. The autograder will fail and you will lose points unnecessarily.

Now try running the main method in and see what the output is in Run window. You will observe that the two test cases testReverse and testMergeIntDList have failed with some problems. Click on testMergeIntDList with a red exclamation sign in left pane. You will see the following details:

Null Pointer Exception

There are a few important things to note here. First, we can read the type of exception that was thrown - NullPointerException. To read the Oracle docs on what a NullPointerException is, take a look here. To summarize what they say, a NullPointerException is thrown when null is used where an object is required (for example, trying to call an instance method of a null object, or accessing or modifying the instance variables of a null object).

Self Test - If we have a box and pointer diagram as we did above, would executing _front._prev._val cause a NullPointerException?
The diagram is displayed again here for your convenience:

Sample IntDList

Answer - Yes. _front._prev is null, and trying to access an instance variable of a null object causes a NullPointerException.

Next, we can see the stack trace. This is a listing of all functions that were called before the exception was thrown. The stack trace can be read chronologically from bottom to top - that is, first the method testMergeIntDList was called, and then mergeIntDList was called, and then the method sortedMerge was called. Since sortedMerge is at the top of our stack trace, we know that it was this function in which the exception was thrown. The stack trace also provides us the exact line numbers where functions are called. If you'd like, take a look at this Stack Overflow Post on what a stack trace is.

Use the stack trace, along with the skeleton code provided to you to fix the sortedMerge method in

Once you understand what a NullPointerException is, the next question is why would this occur? To answer this, use the IntelliJ Debugger and set a break point at the line 33 in which is sortedMerge method and click Debug in Run menu. If you'd like to review using the IntelliJ Debugger, take a look at lab2.

It also highly recommended that you understand how to efficiently debug your code using breakpoints, Step Over, Step Into and Step Out functionality in IntelliJ. We have put up a Debugging Guide for easy reference. Make sure you go through it if you do not understand how to debug code. We will be using this guide as reference in all the future labs, homeworks and projects.

After putting this breakpoint and running the debugger, you will find that you have to keep doing Step Over or Step Into for many many times to reach to the source of Exception. Such scenarios can be easily avoided by conditional breakpoints. Go through the debugging guide to understand how to use conditional breakpoints. Think of the condition would be best suited for this breakpoint.

Now that we know the error, and the line the error occurs on, we need to reflect on what could be causing this error. Are we trying to access an instance variable of a null object?

Now that we understand what the error is, and why the error occurred, we can start to think about fixing it. Write additional lines of code in the designated space (if needed) to fix the problem.

After the problem is fixed try running the tests again to see if the method is performing its functionality correctly. There are multiple issues with the method and might need more than one changes to be fixed.

Let us now move on to reverse and understand what the test failure means: Reverse Stacktrace

We observe that the test is marks with a yellow cross in left pane of debugger window instead of a red one. It indicates that the test was able to run successfully without any exception, but is not performing as expected.

Try drawing a box and pointer diagram, or using the Java Visualizer (see lab2 for more information on how to use it). When does this error occur, and what would be the simplest fix?

To check that your reverse implementation is correct, complete the following tasks:

Although not required for this lab, you are encouraged to write your own unit tests by creating new java files named or if you feel like it. Writing proper and comprehensive unit tests is essential in making sure that your methods have been correctly implemented and working as expected for various scenarios which we call edge cases. Make sure to submit those files as well, if you end up creating more tests.

G. Submissions

You will be turning in,, and Git checkoff Gradescope assignment. Additionally, you will also be turning in partner.txt with your lab partner details just like Lab 2.

You should've filled out the following methods in

Additionally, you should have fixed at least one of the following buggy methods in

In other words, you can fail one test total in IntDListTest and one test total in BuggyIntDListTest to get full score on this lab.

NOTE: DO NOT make any changes in and files.

As usual, add your files, commit, and tag the commit. Push your commits to your central repository, then don't forget to push your tags by running

git push --tags