GENERICS ======== Suppose you're using a list of Objects to store Strings. When you fetch a String from the list, you have to cast it back to type "String" before you can call the methods exclusive to Strings. If somehow an object that's not a String got into your list, the cast will throw an exception. It would be nice to have the compiler enforce the restriction that nothing but Strings can ever get into your list in the first place, so you can sleep at night knowing that your family is safe from a ClassCastException. So Java offers _generics_, which allow you to declare general classes that produce specialized objects. For example, you can create an SList for Strings only, and another SList for Integers only, even though you only wrote one SList class. To specify the class, SList takes a _type_parameter_. class SListNode { // T is the formal parameter. T item; SListNode next; SListNode(T i, SListNode n) { item = i; next = n; } } public class SList { SListNode head; public void insertFront(T item) { head = new SListNode(item, head); } } You can now create and use an SList of Strings as follows. SList l = new SList(); // String is the actual parameter. l.insertFront("Hello"); Likewise, you can create an SList of Integers by using "SList" in the declaration and constructor. What are the advantages of generics? First, the compiler will ensure at compile-time that nothing but Strings can ever enter your SList. Second, you don't have to cast the Objects coming out of your SList back to Strings, so there is no chance of an unexpected ClassCastException at run time. If some bug in your program is trying to put Integer objects into your SList, it's much easier to diagnose the compiler refusing to put an Integer into an SList than it is to diagnose a ClassCastException occurring when you remove an Integer from a regular SList and try to cast it to String. Generics are a complicated subject. Consider this to be a taste of them; hardly a thorough treatment. A good tutorial is available at . Although Java generics are superficially similar to C++ templates, there's a crucial difference between them. In the example above, Java compiles bytecode for only a single SList class. This SList bytecode can be used by all different object types. It is the compiler, not the bytecode itself, that enforces the fact that a particular SList object can only store objects of a particular class. Conversely, C++ recompiles the SList methods for every type that you instantiate SLists on. The C++ disadvantage is that one class might turn into a lot of machine code. The C++ advantages are that you can use primitive types, and you get code optimized for each type. Java generics don't work with primitive types.