CS61C Fall 2013 Homework 3

TAs: Sagar Karandikar & Kevin Liston

Due Sunday, September 22nd, 2013 @ 11:59pm


This assignment will cover MIPS.

Obtaining the Assignment

To copy the hw3 files into your homework directory, go to your hw directory (type git init if it's not already in a git repository) and then type:

$ git pull ~cs61c/hw/03 master

If you are having issues with this, please consult Lab 1: Git and Additional Git Notes.


Problem 1: Numbers, numbers everywhere

Fill in the blanks in the text file hw3.txt.

NOTE: Please do not change the format of the text file.

Problem 2: C to MIPS

Translate the given C code into MIPS. Put your answer in binSearch.s. Some code is provided for testing your solution. When you run binSearch.s, it will inform you if the search failed.

To run MIPS, you can download MARS here.

     Assume "int" equates to 1 word (4 Bytes) in MIPS, the array is 
     sorted, and nmin and nmax are in [0,length of array). Also, value 
     is not necessarily an element actually present in the array.
int binSearch(int value,int list[],int nmin,int nmax) {
    while(nmax>=nmin) {
        int nmid = (nmin+nmax)/2;
        if(list[nmid]>value) { // update max
            nmax = nmid-1;
        } else if(list[nmid]<value) { // update min
            nmin = nmid+1;
        } else {
            return nmid;
    return -1;

Submission Guidelines

Please enter all of your text answers into hw3.txt and include your solution for Problem 2 in binSearch.s. Once you finished your assignment, go to the directory containing these two files and type:

$ submit hw3