Mini-Biography: ============== --> Where did you grow up? What was your academic path? (e.g. Did you live in the same town all your life or did you move around; and if so, where? Did you go to community college or another school before this one?) I was raised in Sunnyvale for most of my life (just an hour south). I decided to come to Berkeley as it was close and had a great CS program. IÕm currently pursuing my fifth year Masters at Berkeley. --> How much programming have you done (and what languages)? I started programming in high school with Java, but picked up other languages such as Python, C, C++, MIPS, etc while at Berkeley. Python has been mh favorite language, although Node is a close second. --> What are your hobbies? When IÕm not doing schoolwork, I enjoy playing online poker (particularly Pot Limit Omaha) and exercising (Biking, Basketball, Running). --> What are some of your talents and skills? I'd say I'm pretty competent at poker, as I've played several hundred thousand hands online, and am up a good amount of money. --> Have you done anything remarkable? Has anything really memorable happened to you? (e.g. travel, meeting famous people, 15 min of fame, inventions, overcoming adversity, etc.) Nothing as cool as some of the other TAs...check out their bios! --> What commitments will be consuming your cycles this term? (e.g. classes, jobs, family, commutes, volunteering, sports, student groups, etc.) Teaching CS61C, coursework, and research.