Mini-Biography: ============== --> Where did you grow up? What was your academic path? (e.g. Did you live in the same town all your life or did you move around; and if so, where? Did you go to community college or another school before this one?) I grew up in San Diego, which was appropriate since I love the sun! I am a 3rd year EECS major. --> How much programming have you done (and what languages)? My programming career began in high school when I faked my way through AP Computer Science. Then I actually learned to program at Berkeley in Java, Python, and C. I also have experience in Android and web development. --> What are your hobbies? I like playing volleyball, listening to music, dancing, and watching nature documentaries. I am a plant and food enthusiast. --> What are some of your talents and skills? I am really good at cracking my joints :( --> Have you done anything remarkable? Has anything really memorable happened to you? (e.g. travel, meeting famous people, 15 min of fame, inventions, overcoming adversity, etc.) I sent Sheryl Sandberg an email about diversity in tech and she responded! <3 --> What commitments will be consuming your cycles this term? (e.g. classes, jobs, family, commutes, volunteering, sports, student groups, etc.) This term I’ll probably be taking classes, playing volleyball, tutoring, and dancing.