Mini-Biography: ============== --> Where did you grow up? What was your academic path? I grew up in Anhui, China, and moved to Beijing when I was 10. I am currently a junior, double major in CS and Economics. --> How much programming have you done (and what languages)? I've started programming since freshman year. I am comfortable with C, Java, Python and MIPS, and I am currently learning web languages and JavaFX. --> What are your hobbies? I love all kinds of sports, especially basketball and soccer. --> What are some of your talents and skills? I am good at playing basketball and soccer. --> Have you done anything remarkable? Has anything really memorable happened to you? I've founded a basketball tournament in my hometown. It's a summer tournament for high school and college students, and accumulatively there were hundreds of student participants. --> What commitments will be consuming your cycles this term? IM Soccer and programming.