Mini-Biography: ============== --> Where did you grow up? What was your academic path? I grew up in Brooklyn, New York, went to college at Cornell University, came to Berkeley for graduate school, took a job in Boston (didn't like it), became a professor, first at Wisconsin (2 years) and then at Berkeley, and have been a student at Berkeley since 1976 (40 years!) and a faculty member since 1983 (33 years!) --> How much programming have you done (and what languages)? I don’t do much programming now, but started in programmable calculators (first program: fibonacci numbers) and assembler. I worked in my high school computer lab as an assistant since sophomore year. At that time, my main programming language was something called PL/1, which I also used at Cornell, along with Fortran/Watfiv. I learned C at Berkeley, and most of my programming has been in C since then. --> What are your hobbies? I am an amateur actor, and have written numerous theatrical/musical reviews and word plays for a San Francisco club of which I am one of 2000 members. I also own and restore old military vehicles, and in my younger days, was a WW2 reenactor (British military). --> What are some of your talents and skills? Teaching and mentoring, creative writing, strategic thinking and planning. --> Have you done anything remarkable? Has anything really memorable happened to you? Co-invented coherent multiprocessor caches (aka Snoop protocol), co-invented RAID with Dave Patterson, co-invented Wireless Snoop TCP protocol, brought the Web and Email to Bill Clinton's White House in 1993. --> What commitments will be consuming your cycles this term? I expect that CS61c will consume most of my cycles this semester. I will also be working on several proposals for funding for Smart Cities applications of the new RISE (Real-Time Intelligent Secure Execution) Lab's technology. This is basically real-time machine learning based control at large geographic scale.