Mini-Biography: ============== --> Where did you grow up? What was your academic path? (e.g. Did you live in the same town all your life or did you move around; and if so, where? Did you go to community college or another school before this one?) I was born and raised in Palo Alto, CA, and I have lived in the same house my entire life. The entire Palo Alto school district is focused on STEM fields, so I was encouraged to pursue computer science and mathematics throughout my pre-university education. --> How much programming have you done (and what languages)? I started learning computer science during my senior year in high school. The first programming language I was exposed to was Scheme, as this was taught in my high school computer science course. Since that time, I have mainly been using Java and C# and would say that these are my two favorite languages. --> What are your hobbies? In my free time, I enjoy watching sports, mainly football, basketball, and soccer. I also frequently read nonfiction books. --> What are some of your talents and skills? I can play both the trombone and the trumpet. --> Have you done anything remarkable? Has anything really memorable happened to you? (e.g. travel, meeting famous people, 15 min of fame, inventions, overcoming adversity, etc.) I have met NBA player Jeremy Lin. Also, my parents' house in Palo Alto is close to Steve Jobs' house (his family still lives there). --> What commitments will be consuming your cycles this term? (e.g. classes, jobs, family, commutes, volunteering, sports, student groups, etc.) My main non-academic commitment is research. I am also a member of a consulting club on campus.