Appendix: Function Definitions

This appendix contains the function definitions (arguments, return values, error codes) for all the provided utility functions and all the functions you need to implement.

Utilities: Memory Allocation


malloc: Allocates heap memory.
Arguments a0 int The size of the memory that we want to allocate (in bytes).
Return values a0 void * A pointer to the allocated memory. If the allocation failed, this value is 0.


free: Frees heap memory.
Arguments a0 int A pointer to the allocated memory to be freed.
Return values None

Utilities: File Operations


fopen: Open a file for reading or writing.
Arguments a1 str * A pointer to the filename string.
a2 int Permission bits. 0 for read-only, 1 for write-only.
Return values a0 int A file descriptor. This integer can be used in other file operation functions to refer to the opened file. If opening the file failed, this value is -1.


fread: Read bytes from a file to a buffer in memory. Subsequent reads will read from later parts of the file.
Arguments a1 int The file descriptor of the file we want to read from, previously returned by fopen.
a2 int* A pointer to the buffer where the read bytes will be stored. The buffer should have been previously allocated with malloc.
a3 int The number of bytes to read from the file.
Return values a0 int The number of bytes actually read from the file. If this differs from the argument provided in a3, then we either hit the end of the file or there was an error.


fwrite: Write bytes from a buffer in memory to a file. Subsequent writes append to the end of the existing file.
Arguments a1 int The file descriptor of the file we want to read from, previously returned by fopen.
a2 void * A pointer to a buffer containing what we want to write to the file.
a3 int The number of elements to write to the file.
a4 int The size of each element. In total, a3 × a4 bytes are written.
Return values a0 int The number of items actually written to the file. If this differs from the number of items specified (a3), then we either hit the end of the file or there was an error.


fclose: Close a file, saving any writes we have made to the file.
Arguments a1 str * The file descriptor of the file we want to close, previously returned by fopen.
Return values a0 int 0 on success, and -1 otherwise.

Utilities: Printing

print_int: Prints an integer.
Arguments a1 int The integer to print.
Return values None
print_char: Prints a character.
Arguments a1 char The character to print.
Return values None

Part A


relu: Task 2.
Arguments a0 int * A pointer to the start of the integer array.
a1 int The number of integers in the array. You can assume that this argument matches the actual length of the integer array.
Return values None


argmax: Task 3.
Arguments a0 int * A pointer to the start of the integer array.
a1 int The number of integers in the array. You can assume that this argument matches the actual length of the integer array.
Return values a0 int The index of the largest element. If the largest element appears multiple times, return the smallest index.


dot: Task 4.
Arguments a0 int * A pointer to the start of the first array.
a1 int * A pointer to the start of the second array.
a2 int The number of elements to use in the calculation.
a3 int The stride of the first array.
a4 int The stride of the second array.
Return values a0 int The dot product of the two arrays, using the given number of elements and the given strides.


matmul: Task 5.
Arguments a0 int * A pointer to the start of the first matrix A (stored as an integer array in row-major order).
a1 int The number of rows (height) of the first matrix A.
a2 int The number of columns (width) of the first matrix A.
a3 int * A pointer to the start of the second matrix B (stored as an integer array in row-major order).
a4 int The number of rows (height) of the second matrix B.
a5 int The number of columns (width) of the second matrix B.
a6 int * A pointer to the start of an integer array where the result C should be stored. You can assume this memory has been allocated (but is uninitialized) and has enough space to store C.
Return values None

Part B


read_matrix: Task 7.
Arguments a0 char * A pointer to the filename string.
a1 int * A pointer to an integer which will contain the number of rows.
a2 int * A pointer to an integer which will contain the number of columns.
Return values a0 int * A pointer to the matrix in memory.


write_matrix: Task 8.
Arguments a0 char * A pointer to the filename string.
a1 int * A pointer to the matrix in memory (stored as an integer array).
a2 int The number of rows in the matrix.
a3 int The number of columns in the matrix.
Return values None


classify: Task 9.
Arguments a0 int argc (the number of arguments provided)
a1 char ** argv, a pointer to an array of argument strings (char *)
a1[1] = *(a1 + 4) char * A pointer to the filepath string of the first matrix file m0.
a1[2] = *(a1 + 8) char * A pointer to the filepath string of the second matrix file m1.
a1[3] = *(a1 + 12) char * A pointer to the filepath string of the input matrix file input.
a1[4] = *(a1 + 16) char * A pointer to the filepath string of the output file.
a2 int If set to 0, print out the classification. Otherwise, do not print anything.
Return values a0 int The classification (see above).