CS61C Homework 6

ALU in Logisim


21.03.2006 (little-endian!) @ 2359


David Eitan Poll <cs61c-tb at imail dot eecs dot berkeley dot edu>


So, now you’ve learned about logic gates and combinational logic; it’s time to put that newfound knowledge to work!  I’m sure you’ll find it quite ALUminating!  This will add to your experience and shift your perspective on what we’ve been learning!


In this assignment, you will implement an 8 bit ALU in logisim (the image above is for a 4 bit ALU).

Getting Started

Copy the homework 6 directory to your home folder with the following command:

	  % cp -r ~cs61c/hw/06 ~/hw
This will copy in alu.circ, the file you will submit your assignment in. You must use this file or points may be deducted for not following directions.


The eight functions that you will implement are: add, subtract, and, or, shift left logical, less than, shift right logical, and shift right arithmetic. The ALU will perform a desired function on two 8-bit inputs (X and Y, where x0 is the lowest order bit for x, etc...) and output the result (RESULT). The function will be determined by the value of a control signal (S), as listed below. In addition to the 8 bits of output provided in RESULT, two additional outputs will be provided: unsigned overflow, and signed overflow. Unsigned overflow will have a high value iff the command was an add and unsigned overflow occured. Signed overflow will have a high value iff the command was an add or a subtract, and signed overflow occured. (You need not worry about unsigned overflow for subtractions.)

Here's what occurs for each operation:






X + Y (signal if either type of overflow occurs)



X - Y (signal if signed overflow occurs)


bitwise OR

X | Y


bitwise AND

X & Y



X << Y (but logically, don't sign extend!)


less than

X < Y (return 1 if X < Y, otherwise 0)



X >> Y (but logically, don't sign extend!)



X >> Y (but arithmetically, do sign extend!)

But wait, there's more!

Think about intuitive ways to test your ALU. If the grader can look at your logisim file and immediately see that everything is in working order, it will be to your advantage. You might consider some method for automatically testing your ALU, such as a counter. Perhaps you should add testing logic that signals an error if an incorrect value is seen. Think about this, we want to see some form of testing suite in your outter-most circuit design.

Not Allowed On This Assignment

You may only use tools from the "Base" and "Gates" libraries in Logisim. Do not use any items from the Memory, Plexers, Arithmetic, or Legacy libraries. Any ALU pieces built using any of these illegal components will be given no credit.

Details & Hints

Submission Details

Create a directory named 'hw6' containing a README, alu.circ, and any additional files needed for your submission. While in that directory, run 'submit hw6'. If you included an image, make sure to say "yes" when the submit script prompts you about it.