CS61C Spring 2014 Project 1: C/MIPS

TA: Jeffrey Dong / William Ku
Part 1: Due 02/16 @ 23:59:59
Part 2: Due 02/23 @ 23:59:59




This project will expose you to C and MIPS in greater depth. The first part gives you the opportunity to sharpen your C programming skills that you have learned in the past few weeks, while the second part dives deeper into coding MIPS. Part of this project will aslo serve as the basis for the upcoming project 3. We hope you will have fun!

Part 1 (Due 2/16 @ 23:59:59)


Bitmap Images

We will be working with 8-bit grayscale bitmap images in the first part of our project. In this file format, each pixel takes on a value between 0 and 255, with 0 corresponding to black, 255 to white, and values in between to various shades of gray. Together, the pixels form a 2D matrix with image_height rows and image_width columns.

Since each pixel may be one of 256 values, we can represent an image in memory using an array of unsigned chars of size image_width * image_height. We map the 2D matrix into the 1D array such that each row will occupy a contiguous part of the array, and rows at the bottom are put in the latter part of the array (see illustration below):

(Source: http://cnx.org/content/m32159/1.4/rowMajor.png)

We can refer to individual pixels of the array by specifying the row and column it's located in. Recall that in a matrix, rows and columns are numbered from the top left. We will follow this numbering scheme as well, so the leftmost red square is at row 0, column 0, and the rightmost blue square is at row 2, column 1. In this project, we will also refer to an element's column # as its x position, and it's row # as its y position. We can also call the # of columns of the image as its width, and the # of rows of the image as its height. Thus, the image above has a width of 2, height of 3, and the element at x=1 and y=2 is the rightmost blue square.

Digit Recognition

We are trying to implement a simple version of digit recognition - without any complicated machine learning - through comparing the "digit distances" between a set of ten template images (of digit 0 to 9) and a test image. The digit of the template image that yields the minimum "digit distance" (think of "distance" as resemblence) will be the classification result for the test image.

<--- Template Images

For any two images, the way we are going to compute their distance is using the squared Euclidean distance, computed by summing up the squared differences bewteen each pixel in the two images. Formally, if x and y are two M by N images represented in a 1-D array (i.e. x = (x_1, x_2, ... x_MN), y = (y_1, y_2, ... y_MN)), the squared Euclidean distance is given by:

(Source: http://www.cis.pku.edu.cn/faculty/vision/wangliwei/pdf/IMED.pdf)

For example, given two sets of two 2x2 images below:

<--- Euclidean distance is 0+0+0+0 = 0 --->

<--- Euclidean distance is 4+0+0+0 = 4 --->
(Source: http://cybertron.cg.tu-berlin.de/pdci08/imageflight/descriptors.html)

To maximize the use of our digit recognition program, we are also supporting rotated (90, 180, 270 degrees only), flipped (horizontal and vertical), and translated images (but NOT scaling). Therefore, our "digit distance" for between each of the digit template and the test image will be the minimum squared Euclidean distance obtained through rotating, flipping, and translating the template image. For example, if I obtain 4 (your implementation will have more) squared Euclidean distances, say (50, 65, 90, 10), from comparing the test image to all different transformations (i.e. rotations, flip, translations) of my digit 0 template, then the "digit distance" for digit 0 will be min(50, 65, 90, 10) = 10.

Sparse Representations

Notice that most of the pixels in our images are white. While using an array of unsigned chars to represent an image certainly works, for large images we would be using a lot more memory than we need as there will be a lot of repeated values. Instead, we can store just the locations and values of the non-white pixels and stipulate that any pixel which is not stored is white-colored. While we do need to specify more data per pixel (location in addition to value), as long as the ratio of white to non-white pixels is high enough we will be saving space.

Formally, matrices with many elements of the same value are known as sparse matrices. In contrast with dense matrices, where the value of every element needs to be stored, sparse matrices can be efficiently stored with specialized representations. Different representations have different advantages, and we will be using the list-of-lists representation for its relative simplicity (the exact specifications of this format will be described later). Do note that typical sparse matrices have a large amount of 0s, while our images will have a large amount of 255s (the value of white pixels). Normally, sparse matrices omit 0s, but for this project, we will be omitting the value 255. Most literature regarding sparse matrices assume that 0s are omitted, so don't get confused!

Getting started

Copy the files in the directory ~cs61c/proj/01 to your proj1 directory, by entering the following command:

$ mkdir ~/proj1
$ cp -r ~cs61c/proj/01/* ~/proj1

The files you will need to modify and submit are:

You are free to define and implement additional helper functions, but if you want them to be run when we grade your project, you must include them in calc_dist.c or make_sparse.c. Changes you make to any other files will be overwritten when we grade your project.

The rest of the files are part of the framework. It may be helpful to look at all the other files.

Your Job

Task A (Due 2/16): Your first task will be to implement the digit recognition.

Here are some tips and reminders:

Below is an illustration of by how much you should translate if you're testing a 6x4 image with a 3x3 template. Notice that the template never "leaves" the test image.

A sample output (and a sanity check) for your program is as follows:

$ make digit-rec
gcc -g -std=c99 -o digit-rec digit_rec.c calc_dist.c test_digitrec.c utils.c
$ ./digit-rec templates/3_64.bmp
0: <some number>
1: <some number>
2: <some number>
3: 0
4: <some number>
5: <some number>
6: <some number>
7: <some number>
8: <some number>
9: <some number>
I think your image is a 3

After implementing your digit recognition algorithm, please answer the following questions in proj1_1A.txt:

  1. For each of the test image provided in advanced_tests/, which images are not recognized correctly?
  2. For each test image listed in the previous question, What is the difference in "digit distances" between the recognized digit and the digit it is supposed to be (e.g. if a digit 3 is recognized as 8, and 3 has a "digit distance" of 10 while 8 has a "digit distance" of 20, then difference in distances is 20 - 10 = 10).
  3. Give a one to two sentence explanation on why you think the images mentioned above are recognized incorrectly.

Task B (Due 2/16): Your second task will be to implement the matrix sparsify functionality.

As mentioned earlier, we will use the list-of-list format, which consists of a NULL-terminated linked list with each node containing a NULL-terminated linked list. The nodes of the outer linked list will be of type Row and each represent a row of the matrix. The nodes of the inner linked list will be of type Elem and each represent an element in the row. The declarations of the structs Row and Elem are in sparsify.h.

Your task is to write the dense_to_sparse() and free_sparse() functions located in make_sparse.c. dense_to_sparse takes an array of unsigned chars, converts it into a linked list of linked lists, and returns a pointer to the first Row in the list. Keep in mind that local variables are no longer in scope, so you must use dynamic memory allocation in the function. Since memory allocation could fail, you need to check whether the pointer returned is valid or not. If it is NULL, you should call allocation_failed (defined in utils.h).

The function free_sparse() frees the memory associated with sparse matrix. You must make sure there are no memory leaks, and you should test with Valgrind (see Lab 3 for a refresher) to make sure.

Here are a few key points regarding your sparse representation:

  1. White pixels (value = 255) are not stored, whereas elements with values 0-254 are. If an element in the matrix is not present in the sparse representation, we know that it has the value of 255.
  2. The list of Row structs should be sorted by y coordinate from smallest to largest.
  3. Each list of Elem structs should be sorted by x coordinate from smallest to largest.
  4. If an entire row is white, no Row node should be created (since it will only contain an empty list, we might as well save some space). This means it is possible for the dense_to_sparse() function to return NULL.

The following example illustrates these points:

Turning a dense matrix into a sparse matrix.

You can compile your code for task B with the following command:

$ make sparsify

Running the program with no arguments will test your code with a few basic tests. You can also pass in the name of a bitmap image, and the code will sparsify the image (although we have not included any tests).

Valgrind can be run on the sparsify program via the following command:

$ make sparsify-memcheck

There should be 0 errors for your code (you can ignore any suppressed errors).

Debugging and Testing

Your code is compiled with the -g flag, so you can use GDB to help debug your program. While adding in print statements can be helpful, GDB can make debugging a lot quicker, especially for memory access-related issues. While you are working on the project, we encourage you to keep your code under version control. However, if you are using a hosted repository, please make sure that it is private, or else it could be viewed as a violation of academic integrity.

In addition, we have included a few functions to help make development and debugging easier:

The test cases we provide you are not all the test cases we will test your code with. You are highly encouraged to write your own tests before you submit. Feel free to add additional tests into the skeleton code, but do not make any modifications to function signatures or struct declarations. This can lead to your code failing to compile during grading.

If you mistakenly break parts of the skeleton, you can always grab a new copy of the file by running the following command, but BE VERY CAREFUL not to overwrite all your work.

$ cp ~cs61c/proj/01/<NAME OF FILE> ~/proj1

Before you submit, make sure you test your code on the Hive machines. We will be grading your code there. IF YOUR PROGRAM FAILS TO COMPILE, YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY GET A ZERO FOR THAT PORTION (ie. If digit-rec works but sparsify doesn't compile, you will receive points for digit-rec but none for sparsify). There is no excuse not to test your code.

Submission/Early Submission Incentive

We highly encourage everyone to get started on this project early, especially since debugging could take a lot longer than you plan for. To encourage everyone to get started early, we will be offering one bonus point for anyone that submits a working calc_min_dist() that can handle non-translated, non-flipped, and non-rotated images by Thursday night (11:59 PM). This means if we give you any of the template images, your function should return a distance of 0 (of course we will be using other 64x64 images to test your code). As this is for bonus points, slip days will not apply.

To submit for the early bonus, enter in the following command. You will only need to turn in calc_dist.c.

$ cd ~/proj1
$ submit proj1-1-early

The full proj1-1 is due Sunday. To submit the full proj1-1, enter in the following. You should be turning in calc_dist.c, make_sparse.c, and proj1_1A.txt.

$ cd ~/proj1
$ submit proj1-1

Part 2 (Due 2/23 @ 23:59:59)


The Collatz Conjecture

The Collatz conjecture was first proposed by Lothar Collatz in 1937. It states that repeatedly applying the following operation to any positive integer will eventually yield 1.

(Source: Wikipedia)

In other words, if a positive integer n is even, divide it by 2, and if n is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1. Repeat until n equals 1. The sequence of numbers generated by applying this operation is known as "hailstone sequences," and the smallest number of steps taken for n to reach 1 is known as its stopping time. In this project, we are interested in computing the stopping time of a number.

Sparse to Dense Matrix

In the first part of the project, we looked at how to turn a dense 2D matrix into sparse representation. One may ask, what about the other way around? This is the motivation behind why we are going to implement the sparse to dense matrix functionality - in MIPS!

Since our implementation will be in MARS - the MIPS simulator - we are going to assume each element in the matrix as one word/integer to simplify things a little bit. Recall that each word/integer is 32 bits (or 4 bytes). You will be given a file, s2d_sparse_matrix_data.s, which loads a sparse matrix into the data segment of the simulator. We want to be able to turn that sparse matrix into its dense matrix representation, as well as to print it to the I/O of the simulator.

Additionally, we are going to make the default value for sparse matrix as 0, instead of 255 (as in part 1). In another word, the sparse matrix representation only stores values that are non-zero into the linked-list.

Recall our definitions of Row and Elem from part 1, which are:


Since we have decided that our matrix values are integers, each field in Row and Elem occupies one word space (32bits; 4 bytes), as shown below:

<--- Row 0 represented in memory (first integer: row number; second integer: Elem pointer, third integer: next Row pointer).

<--- Elem 5 represented in memory (first integer: column number; second integer: value, third integer: next elem pointer).

mult in MIPS

If you used multiplication somewhere in part 1, then you might wonder how to use multiplication in MIPS. Multiplication in MIPS is handled by the instruction mult, which takes as arguments two registers that hold the values to be multiplied (e.g. mult $s0, $s1). The result of the multiplication is stored inside the hi and lo special registers. These two register values can be obtained via the mfhi (which stands for "move from hi") and mflo (which stands for "move from lo") instructions. These two instrucitons each takes one argument, which is the register that you would like the hi or lo value to move to (e.g. mflo $t0). The reason behind having to use two registers (32 bit each) to hold our miltiplication result is that, when we multiple two 32-bit integers, the resulting value can be up to 64 bits. However, many times we are simply multiplying small values (say, 10*10). Therefore, we can only worry about the lo register.

Getting started

Copy the files in the directory ~cs61c/proj/01_pt2 to your proj1 directory, by entering the following command:

$ mkdir ~/proj1-2
$ cp -r ~cs61c/proj/01_pt2/* ~/proj1-2

It is recommended that you download MARS and run it from your own computer. Using MARS by SSH-ing from an instructional machine is very slow. (Since MARS is a Java program, you do not have to worry about compatibility between operating systems). The latest version of MARS is v4.4, and it can be found here: http://courses.missouristate.edu/KenVollmar/MARS/index.htm

Before you start, make sure the option Initialize Program Counter to global 'main' is defined (located in the Settings menu) is checked.

The files you will need to modify and submit are:

The rest of the files are part of the framework. Remember, changes you make to any other files will be overwritten when we grade your project.

Your Job

Task A (Due 2/23): Your second task will be to implement the Collatz functions.

You task is to implement the collatz_iterative and collatz_recursive functions, which will return the stopping time of a given number. For each function, the number will be passed in via the $a0 register, and you must return the correct result in $v0. You may assume that the input is guaranteed to be a positive integer. Make sure to follow the appropriate function call conventions when implementing your solution. the collatz_recursive function MUST call collatz_recursive or points will be deducted.

Note that the stopping time is defined as the number of iterations until the number reaches one. Hence, if the number passed in is 1, your function should return 0. Here are a few samples to verify your code:

If n = 1, stopping time = 0.
If n = 4, stopping time = 2.
If n = 29, stopping time = 18.
If n = 171, stopping time = 124.

In addition, we would like to compare the performance of the iterative and recursive versions of our functions by keeping track of the number of machine instructions executed by each. For this section, you will need a pencil and a (large) sheet of paper... well that would suck. Fortunately, MARS can keep track of the number of instructions executed via the Instruction Counter tool. To use the Instruction Counter:

  1. Open the Instruction Counter under the Tools menu.

  2. Assemble your program, then press the "Connect to MIPS" button.

  3. Run your program. The number of instructions executed will be displayed in the "Instructions so far" box.

  4. After your code has finished executing, make sure to press "Reset" before running again.

Run your code with a few inputs (preferably including something with stopping time > 10). Using the instruction counter, answer the following question in proj1_2A.txt using 1-2 sentences:

  1. Which version (iterative or recursive) executed more instructions, and why? (Hint: What do you have to do in the recursive version that you don't need to in the iterative version?)

Task B (Due 2/23): Your second task will be to implement the sparse to dense matrix and print dense functionality.

There are two subtasks in Task B: the sparse2dense function (inside s2d.s) and the print_dense function (inside s2d_print_dense.s).

For sparse2dense, you are provided with the pointer to the first Row of the sparse matrix linked list, the pointer to the dense matrix, and the width of the dense matrix. Your job is to iterate through each Elem of the sparse matrix and store its value in the appropriate position inside the dense matrix, in row major.

For print_dense, you are given the pointer to the dense matrix, the matrix width, and the matrix height. You will iterate through each element inside the dense matrix and print out its value, in a specific format.
Here is the required format for printing the dense matrix:

  1. The first line of the output from print_dense should be the string head, provided to you on top of s2d_print_dense.s (due to some synchronization issue, we will accept either 4 or 5 dashes at the end of the first line).
  2. The row number should be printed before each row, followed by a space character.
  3. Each element in the dense matrix should be printed in hexidecimal.
  4. There should be one space character between each element in the matrix.
  5. There can be zero or one space character at the end of each line.

A sample output of a 10x10 dense matrix generated from the sparse matrix provide is as follow:

A sample output of a 5x3 dense matrix generated from the sparse matrix provide is as follow:

Here are some tips and reminders:

Debugging and Testing

For task A, we have included the function print_value (located in collatz_common.s). It will print the value in $a0, followed by a space. The registers $a0 and $v0 will be clobbered by the function, so if it contains anything important, make sure to save it first!

For task B, it may be helpful to first be able to print out the dense matrix. Then, you may want to try accessing each element in the sparse matrix. Lastly, you can take each element and store them in the corresponding position in the dense matrix.

Setting breakpoints is also a good way to see the details of each register. You may find your bugs that way.

Again, code that does not assemble will AUTOMATICALLY RECEIVE A ZERO FOR THAT SECTION. For the .s files, you need not test on the hive machines, but you definitely should make sure that MARS will run your file with no errors.

Submission/Early Submission Incentive

We are offering an early submission incentive again. We will give one bonus point for anyone that submits a working collatz_iterative.s by Thursday night (2/20/14 11:59 PM). As this is for bonus points, slip days will not apply.

To submit for the early bonus, enter in the following command. You will only need to turn in collatz_iterative.s.

$ cd ~/proj1-2
$ submit proj1-2-early

The full proj1-2 is due Sunday. To submit the full proj1-2, enter in the following. You should be turning in collatz_iterative.s, collatz_recursive.s, proj1_2A.txt, s2d.s, and s2d_print_dense.s.

$ cd ~/proj1-2
$ submit proj1-2