More on Getting Started

CS61C, Spring 2008

How to Copy + Paste On the Lab Computers

To copy text on the lab computers, highlight it with your mouse.
To paste text, left click where you want to paste the text and middle click to paste.

How to Get your Class Account E-mail forwarded

To have the e-mail in your class account forwarded automatically, you need to create a ".forward" file. The "." means the file is hidden.  Here is one way to do this (replace the given email with your own).

nova [1] ~ > echo > ~/.forward

To check whether you put the right e-mail address in, use cat from the terminal.

nova [2] ~ > cat ~/.forward

Accessing the Newsgroup

The newsgroup is a great place to discuss material covered in class or ask questions about homework/projects. There are many ways to access the newsgroup.

Method 1. One way is through the WebNews reader, located at  The interface is a little annoying, but it does not require you to install anything.
  1. Log in with your cs61c account and password, and you will see the groups you are currently subscribed to. You need to subscribe to the cs61c newsgroup.
  2. Click the Change Subscriptions button (it's black)
  3. In the text box, type ucb.class.cs61c 
  4. Then click the Submit button at the top.
  5. Once you go back to the group list, you will see the cs61c newsgroup.
  6. Use the black buttons and the links to navigate the webpage.

Method 2. The second way is to use pine, a text-based email and news reader.

Use this script to set up a spam filter and some initial settings.

nova [1] ~ > /share/b/adm/bin/

Then type pine at the terminal to start it. It will ask you for a password to connect to imail.eecs, which is the instructional e-mail server. This is the same password as the one you use to log in. Now you will need to subscribe to the cs61c newsgroup. Go to Folder List -> news. Then hit 'A' to add a group, type ucb.class.cs61c and hit enter. You should now be able to select and read the newsgroup.

Because the newsgroup will probably end up having lots of posts, you may want to change pine's settings to display posts in reverse order. To do this, go back to pine's main menu and go to Setup. Hit 'C' to enter Config. Now push space to scroll down until you see a group of settings titled sort-key. Change it from Arrival to Reverse Arrival.

Method 3. The third way is to use other news readers such as Mozilla Thunderbird or Outlook Express. Use the following settings:
 If you are off-campus:
   Server name: 
   Port 563 
   Use secure connection (SSL)
   Login/Password:  Your Calnet ID/Password

 If you are on-campus:
  Server name:
  (no encryption or login necessary)

How to submit homework

Remember that HW1 is submitted online. Make sure to include all of the following information in your homework:

The easiest way to do this is to put a comment at the top of your scheme file. A comment is something that the scheme interpreter won't read. The easiest way to make a one-line comment is to start it with a semicolon. So your homework might start with something like:


* Ben Bitdiddle

* cs61c-zz

* TA: Alyssa P. Hacker, Section 0


Make sure you put YOUR TA's name and section number!

nova [12] ~/hw1 > ls

cod.txt bitcount.c mycalc.c

nova [12] ~/hw1 > submit hw1

Looking for files to turn in...

Submitting bitcount.c.

Submitting cod.txt.

Submitting mycalc.c.

The files you have submitted are:

./bitcount.c ./cod.txt ./mycalc.c

Is this correct? [yes/no] yes

Copying submission of assignment hw1....

Submission complete.