CS61C Summer 2013 Homework 4

TA: Kevin Yeun

Due Sunday, July 21, 2013 @ 11:59pm


This assignment will cover floating points, caches, AMAT, performance, and CALL.


Put all your answers in hw4.txt. Submit your solution by creating a directory named hw4 that contains the file hw4.txt. (File names are case-sensitive and the submission program will not accept your submission if your file names differ at all from those specified) From within that directory, type submit hw4. Partners are not allowed on this assignment.


Problem 1: Floating Points - 4 pts

For the following questions, we will be referring to the IEEE 32-bit floating point representation except with a 5 bit exponent (bias of 2^5/2 - 1 = 15).
  1. Convert the following -73.75. Write your answer in hexadecimal.
  2. What's the smallest positive integer (an integer has no decimal points) it CANNOT represent? Leave your answer in decimal/scientific notation.
  3. What's the smallest positive value it can represent? Leave your answer as the closest power of 2.
  4. What exponent (in decimal) must the float have to be considered a denorm?
  5. What about a NAN?

Problem 2: CALL - 3 pts

  1. As briefly as possible, explain why absolute addressing occurs in the linking stage.
  2. If we edit one file of a program, under CALL do all other files need to go through the compiler and assembly again as well? Why or why not?
  3. Our assembly file, 61cRocks.s contains a function label, func:, and a data label, str:. If the label...
    1. func is used in a beq instruction, which table(s) does it show up in?
    2. func is used in a j instruction, which table(s) does it show up in?
    3. str is used in a la instruction, which table(s) does it show up in?

Problem 3: Performance and AMAT - 4 pts

  1. Given that your program must execute within 1 ms, and that it has 100,000 instructions, and your processor has a clock rate of 2 GHz, what must be the maximum average CPI of your program?
  2. Two systems with identical architectures run the same set of instructions. System A has a clockrate of 1.1 GHz and an average CPI of 1.5, while System B has a clockrate of 1.4 GHz with an average CPI of 1.2. Which system is faster, and by how much?
  3. On our system, we have a two-level cache. Our L1 cache has a local hit rate of 90% and a hit time of one cycle. Our L2 cache, however, has a local hit rate of 80%, with a hit time of 10 cycles and a miss penalty of 100 cycles to main memory.
    1. What is the global miss rate?
    2. What is the overall AMAT?
    3. What would be the AMAT if we didn't have an L2 cache? Assume L1$ would have a 100 cycle miss penalty to main memory.
  4. On a different system, we are using a single level cache with a I$ miss rate of 4% and a D$ miss rate of 6%. The miss penalty to main memory is 80 cycles. If our processor has a CPIbase of 1.5, and 40% of instructions are loads/stores, calculate CPIstall.

Problem 4: Caches - 6 pts

Assume we have 16 bit memory addresses. Our cache holds a total of 64 bytes, and each cache block is 8 bytes.

  1. If the cache is direct-mapped...
    1. How many bits are used for the tag?
    2. Which other bytes would share a block with the byte at address 0xABCD?
    3. The block containing the byte at 0xABCD is in the cache. What memory accesses are guaranteed to get a cache miss? You may describe what addresses, but be specific.
  2. If the cache is two-way set associative...
    1. How many bits are used for the tag?
    2. Which other bytes would share a block with the byte at address 0xABCD?
    3. The block containing the byte at 0xABCD is in the cache. What memory accesses are guaranteed to get a cache miss? You may describe what addresses, but be specific.
  3. Examine the following code. Assume all array accesses are valid (array is large enough), the cache starts empty, and that our data cache is direct-mapped. v need not be block aligned. What is the maximum and minimum data cache hit rate for a single call to shiftarray (remember to account for loads AND stores) if...
    1. j = 1?
    2. j = 8?
    3. j = 64?
    void shiftarray(char* v) {
       for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
          v[i] = v[i+j];