# Build file for CS61C Lab 2 # You should not need to edit this file. # This file requires GNU make and depends on paths on instruction machines. #### ## Variables # Source files (java code). wildcard selects all files matching a pattern. SOURCES = $(wildcard *.java) # Output JAR file TARGET = mutualfriends.jar # Extra JARs to have on the classpath when compiling. CLASSPATH = /home/ff/cs61c/hadoop/hadoop-core.jar:/home/ff/cs61c/hadoop/lib/commons-cli.jar:/home/ff/cs61c/bin/apachecommons/commons-lang3-3.1/commons-lang3-3.1.jar:/home/ff/cs61c/bin/apachecommons/commons-logging-1.1.3/commons-logging-1.1.3.jar # javac command to use JAVAC = javac -g -deprecation -Xlint:unchecked -cp $(CLASSPATH) # jar command to use JAR = jar ## Make targets # General form is target: dependencies (targets or files), followed by # commands to run to build the target from the dependencies. # Default target. all: $(TARGET) $(TARGET): classes $(SOURCES) $(JAVAC) -d classes $(SOURCES) $(JAR) cf $(TARGET) -C classes . classes: mkdir classes clean: rm -rf classes $(TARGET) *-out rm -rf work rm -rf intermediate runh: hadoop jar mutualfriends.jar MutualFriends ~cs61c/data/mrlab2/small.seq output-out .PHONY: clean all