Scripting languages like Php, Python and Perl provide some nice tools to "explode" a string into various elements or tokens. We will need this too in our first project and it provides a nice opportunity for creating a bunch of little string objects out of a larger object. Here is most of the code. newLine is from the previous example.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* Skip over whitespace to find non-space character
   returns: pointer to first non-space char or NULL if none present
char *startWord(char *p) {
  while (isspace(*p)) p++;
  if (*p == '\0') return NULL;
  return p;

/* Return pointer to first space char or terminator */
char *endWord(char *p) {
  while ((*p != '\0') && !isspace(*p)) p++;
  return p;

/* Return a string consisting of the word in [start,end) */
#define MAXWORD 128
char *newWord(char *start, char *end) {
  char *w;

 ... you write this part ...
  w = (char *) malloc( ... );

  return w;


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char *s;
  FILE *infile;
  FILE *ofile;
  char *strt, *end, *word;

  infile = stdin;
  ofile = stdout;
  if (argc >= 3) ofile = fopen(argv[2],"w");
  if (argc >= 2) infile = fopen(argv[1],"r");

  s = newLine(infile);
  while (s) {
    strt = startWord(s);
    while (strt) {
      end  = endWord(strt);
      word = newWord(strt,end);
      fprintf(ofile,"%s ",word);
      strt = startWord(end);
    s = newLine(infile);
  return 0;

It should print out all the "words" that you counted before.