EE 123 Spring 2018 Discussion Section 03
Frank Ong (presented by Li-Hao Yeh)

This is a great demo of the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and is the essence of JPEG encoding. The demo was originally created by Frank Ong.

In [1]:
# Import functions and libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy

from numpy import pi
from numpy import sin
from numpy import zeros
from numpy import r_
from scipy import signal
from scipy import misc # pip install Pillow
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab

%matplotlib inline
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (20.0, 7.0)

Display image

In [2]:
# im = misc.imread("einstein.tif").astype(float)
# im = misc.imread("house.tif").astype(float)
im = misc.imread("einstein.jpg").astype(float)
# im = misc.imread("barbara.png").astype(float)
im = im[70:470,0:400,0]

f = plt.figure()
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x1167ac048>

Define 2D DCT and IDCT

In [3]:
def dct2(a):
    return scipy.fftpack.dct( scipy.fftpack.dct( a, axis=0, norm='ortho' ), axis=1, norm='ortho' )

def idct2(a):
    return scipy.fftpack.idct( scipy.fftpack.idct( a, axis=0 , norm='ortho'), axis=1 , norm='ortho')

Perform a blockwise DCT

In [4]:
imsize = im.shape
dct = np.zeros(imsize)

# Do 8x8 DCT on image (in-place)
for i in r_[:imsize[0]:8]:
    for j in r_[:imsize[1]:8]:
        dct[i:(i+8),j:(j+8)] = dct2( im[i:(i+8),j:(j+8)] )

Extract 8x8 block and look at its DCT coefficients

In [5]:
pos = 120

# Extract a block from image
plt.title( "An 8x8 Image block")

# Display the dct of that block
plt.imshow(dct[pos:pos+8,pos:pos+8],cmap='gray',vmax= np.max(dct)*0.01,vmin = 0, extent=[0,pi,pi,0],interpolation='none')
plt.title( "An 8x8 DCT block")
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x117cfcbe0>

Display all DCT blocks

In [6]:
# Display entire DCT
plt.imshow(dct,cmap='gray',vmax = np.max(dct)*0.01,vmin = 0)
plt.title( "8x8 DCTs of the image")
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x117deec18>

Threshold DCT coefficients

In [7]:
# Threshold
thresh = 0.012
dct_thresh = dct * (abs(dct) > (thresh*np.max(dct)))

plt.imshow(dct_thresh,cmap='gray',vmax = np.max(dct)*0.01,vmin = 0)
plt.title( "Thresholded 8x8 DCTs of the image")

percent_nonzeros = np.sum( dct_thresh != 0.0 ) / (imsize[0]*imsize[1]*1.0)

print ("Keeping only %f%% of the DCT coefficients" % (percent_nonzeros*100.0))
Keeping only 7.746250% of the DCT coefficients

Compare DCT compressed image with original

In [8]:
im_dct = np.zeros(imsize)

for i in r_[:imsize[0]:8]:
    for j in r_[:imsize[1]:8]:
        im_dct[i:(i+8),j:(j+8)] = idct2( dct_thresh[i:(i+8),j:(j+8)] )
plt.imshow( np.hstack( (im, im_dct) ) ,cmap='gray')
plt.title("Comparison between original and DCT compressed images" )
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1186bffd0>

Compare with DFT compressed image

In [9]:
dft = zeros(imsize,dtype='complex');
im_dft = zeros(imsize,dtype='complex');

# 8x8 DFT
for i in r_[:imsize[0]:8]:
    for j in r_[:imsize[1]:8]:
        dft[i:(i+8),j:(j+8)] = np.fft.fft2( im[i:(i+8),j:(j+8)] )

# Thresh
thresh = 0.013
dft_thresh = dft * (abs(dft) > (thresh*np.max(abs(dft))))

percent_nonzeros_dft = np.sum( dft_thresh != 0.0 ) / (imsize[0]*imsize[1]*1.0)
print ("Keeping only %f%% of the DCT coefficients" % (percent_nonzeros*100.0))
print ("Keeping only %f%% of the DFT coefficients" % (percent_nonzeros_dft*100.0))

# 8x8 iDFT
for i in r_[:imsize[0]:8]:
    for j in r_[:imsize[1]:8]:
        im_dft[i:(i+8),j:(j+8)] = np.fft.ifft2( dft_thresh[i:(i+8),j:(j+8)] )
plt.imshow( np.hstack( (im, im_dct, abs(im_dft)) ) ,cmap='gray')
plt.title("Comparison between original, DCT compressed and DFT compressed images" )
Keeping only 7.746250% of the DCT coefficients
Keeping only 9.655625% of the DFT coefficients
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10b5770b8>

Extract the same 8x8 block and look at its DFT coefficients

In [10]:
pos = 120

# Extract a block from image
plt.title( "An 8x8 Image block")

# Display the dct of that block
plt.imshow(abs(dft[pos:pos+8,pos:pos+8]),cmap='gray',vmax= np.max(abs(dft))*0.01,vmin = 0, extent=[0,2*pi,2*pi,0],interpolation='none')
plt.title( "A 8x8 DFT block")
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x117d29518>
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