
  • Intructor: Laurent El Ghaoui

    • Contact: elghaoui at berkeley

    • Office hours: T 2-3pm, 421 SDH.

  • Teaching assistant: Anh Pham

    • Contact: anhpham at eecs.berkeley.edu

    • Office hours: TBA.

  • Material: we'll use the Hyper-Textbook here. Login and password information are provided in bspace. Note that the hyper-textbook is currently under construction.

  • Homeworks: there will be a total of6 Homeworks, which require the use of Matlab. Typically the HW is given on a Wednesday, and due in class two weeks later. If you turn your homework late, there will be a 2 point penalty per day, with a maximum delay until the next class following the due date (that is, if a HW is due on a Wednesday, you have to turn it on the following Friday at the latest).

  • Exams: There will be one midterm (Thursday, October 11, in class), and a final (FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2012, 8-11A).

  • Grading: 10% quizzes, 30% homework, midterm (30%), final (30%).

  • Discussion section: W 12-1P, 237 CORY.

  • Software: for the homeworks, we will use the free matlab toolbox called CVX. CVX is installed on the instructional network, but you can also use it on your own machine if you have matlab.