EE241: Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits


To foster design innovation and creative thinking, a major part of the class grade is based on a design project. The idea of the project is to study one of the current "hot items" in digital circuit design and to propose, analyze and design a novel solution to one of those problems. The project is performed in groups of two and will span the complete semester.


  • WEEK 3: Proposal of Topic
  • WEEK 3-6: Literature Study (> 4 papers) - Formulation of Design Project
  • WEEK 7: Posting of interim result report
  • WEEK 8-14: Design Execution.
  • WEEK 15: Presentation of Design Results

    A report is expected at both week 7 and week 15. To make the results available to the complete group and to make your results more dynamic, you will be required to provided them as web-entries. For those of you not familiar with the creation of a web-page, please refer to A Beginners Guide to HTML .

    As the recurring themes of the class are deep submicron design, signal integrity,low power and timing, it is encouraged to select the design project in one of those topics. Other interesting topics are however welcomed as well. To give some initial guidance, a list of potential topic areas is given below.

    List of Projects

    Enter your project description in the file "~ee241/public_html/PROJECTS/list.html" BEFORE THE END OF WEEK 3 .

    Midterm Reports

    Final Presentations (Signup)

    Projects reports are due Th May 2 before 5pm!!!
    (Enter the url in ~ee241/public_html/projects/final.html or mail me the location of your report).

    Final Reports