Catalog Description
Fundamental circuit concepts and analysis techniques in the context of digital electronic circuits. Transient analysis of CMOS logic gates; basic integrated-circuit technology and layout.

Times: MWF 12-2
Location: 160 Kroeber


Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications
Third Edition
Allan R. Hambley
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005


8 homeworks, 10 labs (including 2 mini-projects), 2 midterms, and 1 final

Labs 30%
Homework 10%
Midterm 1 15%
Midterm 2 15%
Final 30%
  • If your grade on the Final Exam shows improvement, your midterm grades will be discarded since all the material covered will be tested on the final exam. So if you're unhappy with your grades so far, make sure to study hard for the final!
  • Only the best 6 out of 7 homeworks will count towards your grade.
HW Schedule
Homework will be turned in at the EE40 box located in the Cory 2nd floor lounge.



Instructions for setting up at-home access:
Follow the instructions under "Setting up your computer". This is highly recommended for your convenience!