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EECSBA1: Strategic Communication Technologies 
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Introduction and Mission: 

This is the homepage for the Human Factors working group in eecsba1: Strategic Communication Technologies  during Spring Semester 1997 at the University of California, Berkeley.  Our objective is to convey how Human Factors considerations impact the success and assimilation of new technologies or new technology-based products. 

In doing this, we will first provide an introductory tutorial to the field of Human Factors.  We will present the main ideas of Human Factors theory, and some thoughts about the present and future importance of Human Factors in design and technology, especially in relation to some cross-cutting issues.  Following the tutorial, we will show how Human Factors considerations apply in real world case examples to the success - the adoption and acceptance - of modern technology, including some thoughts about how Human Factors considerations affect the Network Computer. 

Guided Tour of this Site: 
This site was designed using Human Factors principles. It is meant to be easy to use and to learn from; aesthetically pleasing but quick to load; and comprehensive but not information overloaded.
First Presentation 

Final Presentation 

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