Gamesman - The "Shall We Play a Game?" Project
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Timeline > Checkoffs


There will be three checkoffs (0, 1 and 2) in your lab, worth 2, 4 and 4 points each. You will be penalized for a late submission. Missing a checkoff costs all the checkoff points that week.

Checkoff Zero (2 points)

Checkoff Zero is this week in lab (November 3-7). To get full credit you must:

  • Find a partner
  • Become familiar with gamesman
  • Do the worksheet, and
  • Choose a game.

To actually receive the credit you must show your TA that you can run gamesman and play 1,2,...,10 or Tomorrow's Tic-Tac-Toe and you must show them a completed worksheet. Don't forget to show them your values for *game-name*, *group-members* and name-game-pieces from template.scm.

Checkoff One (4 points)

In lab the week of November 10-14, you must display significant progress on the project. Details are in the implementation section. In addition, write test cases for all the required procedures for Checkoff 1 and 2. This is to get you thinking about what details or issues you might encounter for Checkoff 2. Use the test case library! If you finish all of Checkoff Two by this deadline (i.e., you are a week ahead) you get 1/2 extra bonus points!

Checkoff Two (4 points)

This will occur the week of November 17-21. Basically, aside from the implementation section, you must have a completely working game (without graphics, compulsory rules and user-chosen rules) with standard rules.

Final Submission

You have to have a working game with standard rules, compulsory rules, a user-chosen rule, and output-only graphics (drawing to the screen). The current module of Tomorrow's Tic-Tac-Toe has all of this.

It's very important that you test your component functions in isolation, to provide evidence that they will work together correctly. It is critical that you print out the results of all these tests and save them in a file called isolation.txt. When the grader reads your listing of test cases, he/she should have no doubt that your program works as intended.

You should test the overall program (gamesman) too. Print out the listings for some sample games with different rules (more on that later). Save the output of your tests of the completed program in a file called overall.txt. Thus your ~/ucwise/gamesman directory should have these files in it: (one of mnorthcotts.scm, mkonane.scm, msurround.scm , or mknights.scm), overall.txt and isolation.txt. A more detailed description of what you need to submit is in the Submission section.


[Dan Garcia icon] [Department of Computer Science] [Official Website for the University of California, Berkeley]

Gamesman ©2003 Dan Garcia. All rights reserved.
Site design by Steven Chan. Site maintained by Hesam Samimi.