Gamesman - The "Shall We Play a Game?" Project
   Final Submission
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Timeline > Final Submission


How to Submit

To submit your project, you will be using the submit script you've been using all semester. Type 'submit finalproject' in a directory containing all the files listed below. Note that these instructions have changed: you will NOT simply be leaving them in a directory. If you are working on Gamesman from home, it is imperative that you copy all your files back to your CS3 account when you're finished AND test them in the lab (since that's where we'll be grading your projects).

  • Final project is due on Saturday, May 9, 2009 @ 11:59pm. Your submit command should be executed by this time and date.
  • What to Submit

    Your Submission should consist of the following:

    1. Your game module. Please make sure it is called mothello.scm, mabalone.scm, mchopsticks.scm or mkaboom.scm and loads smoothly through Gamesman.
    2. Game trees. You should provide us with four game trees named as below:
      1. standard.tree -- the standard game; no special rules.
      2. misere.tree -- the misére game; no special rules.
      3. compulsory.tree -- game with only the rule that you were required to implement.
      4. user.tree -- game with only the rule you created yourself; if you implemented several rules, choose the one you like best.
      Feel free to include one or two other game trees that you think are fun. You can name them anything you want. These may illustrate your other rules, or a neat combination of rules that you have encountered. Any trees in addition to the above four are utterly optional.
    3. isolation.txt A file containing tests of your functions outside Gamesman. You should have 6-10 tests for the six main functions, 4-8 tests for important helpers and under four tests of any remaining procedures. Use your judgment to guide the thoroughness of your testing. Most of your functions need to be tested, but not all of them. We don't need to see testing of the trivial helpers. Functions that produce graphics should be tested in Scheme. You should copy and paste the tests you ran into your testing file as a comment. You can call set-rule! and get-rule outside of Gamesman (just make sure Gamesman is loaded) to test your functions under various rules.
      You should use the standard testing framework for isolation.txt. You should include comments so that it is easier to see (and remember) what each test is for.
    4. overall.txt This file should contain one or two sessions with Gamesman. Use it to show off your final product. Show us how your print-help changes under the various rules. Show us the cool rules you have, etc. Of course, there is no way you can show us your graphics here. We'll look them over ourselves.
    5. overview.txt This file should contain a very brief description of your project. We mean brief: less than 24 lines if you can help it. The overview.txt should have:
      1. Yours and your partner's (if you have one) name and login
      2. The name of your game
      3. How you split up the work (if partnership)
      4. A description of the extra rule(s) you've come up with
      5. A description of any fancy graphics you did
      6. Anything else you think we need to know
      But remember to keep it brief. It should look more or less like this example overview.

    All files you turn in should be plain text files. Do not submit MS Word documents. Your file is in plain text if you can view it through the more Unix utility:

      % more overview.txt

    To re-name a file foo.txt to bar.txt, use the mv Unix utility:

      % mv foo.txt bar.txt


    [Dan Garcia icon] [Department of Computer Science] [Official Website for the University of California, Berkeley]

    Gamesman ©2003 Dan Garcia. All rights reserved.
    Site design by Steven Chan. Site maintained by Hesam Samimi.