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KV store

Table of contents

  1. Protocol specification
  2. Data structures
  3. RPC implementation

In this part, you will implement a basic key-value (KV) store by introducing two new RPCs, PUT and GET. You may find it helpful to follow the steps you used to implement the ECHO RPC. Keep in mind that the only files you should be editing in this part are kv_store.x, server.c, and kv_store_client.c.

Protocol specification

In kv_store.x, define two new RPCs: PUT and GET.

  • PUT will need to take in a key and value, each of which is a variable-length array of bytes (char’s). To take in multiple arguments, you will need to wrap all of your arguments in a single XDR structure and have that be the argument to your RPC.
  • GET will need to take in a key (a variable-length char array) and return a value (also a variable-length char array).
  • Keep in mind that keys and values are not necessarily NULL terminated.

Note: You may want to use type definitions to simplify your code. We have already defined the following type in kv_store.x for you to use for your keys and values:

typedef char buf <>;

As you can find in kv_store.h, this is compiled to following C code:

typedef struct {
	u_int buf_len;
	char *buf_val;
} buf;

Data structures

You will need to add state to your server to store key/value pairs. Since C doesn’t have many built in data structures, we have provided you with GLib in kv_store_server.c.

You may define state using global variables and initialize it in the main function. Since the RPC server is not multi-threaded, you do not need to worry about synchronization.

Hint: You will need to use GHashTable and GBytes to store the “database” as well as the keys/values.

Below is a snippet of example code to show how you might use these data structures:

GHashTable *ht;

void init() {
  ht = g_hash_table_new(g_bytes_hash, g_bytes_equal);

void add() {
  GBytes *key = g_bytes_new("key", strlen("key")); 
  GBytes *value = g_bytes_new("value", strlen("value"));
  g_hash_table_insert(ht, key, value);

void lookup() {
  GBytes *key = g_bytes_new("key", strlen("key"));
  GBytes *value = g_hash_table_lookup(ht, key);


  if (value != NULL) {
    long unsigned int len;
    const char *data = g_bytes_get_data(value, &len); /* Sets len = 5. */
    printf("%.*s\n", (int) len, data); /* Outputs first `len` characters of `data` ("value"). */

RPC implementation

Implement the server-side stubs for the PUT and GET RPCs in kv_store_server.c. You can find the relevant function signatures in kv_store.h.

Your stubs should look something like this, though the types in question are dependent on how you defined your protocols in kv_store.x:

void *put_1_svc(put_request *argp, struct svc_req *rqstp) {
  static void *result;

  /* TODO */

  return &result;

buf *get_1_svc(buf *argp, struct svc_req *rqstp) {
  static buf result;

  /* TODO */

  return &result;

If you malloc anything, you should free it the next time the stub is called. This is because the results are static, so they are preserved between function calls. For example, if we wanted to malloc the buf result in get_1_svc, we would write:

result.buf_val = malloc(5);

For GET, if there is no value corresponding to the provided key, return a buf with length 0.

Once you are done, you should be able to put key/value pairs into your store by modifying kv_store_client.c to call the PUT and GET client stubs. Test your implementation using the instructions from the Usage section.

A working implementation of ECHO, PUT, and GET should give you a full score on the autograder.