CS164: Course Announcements

  1. 12/8/2020. The tournament results are in. Congratulations to Team31 for its winning entry!
  2. 11/15/2020. Homework 7 is now available; due 14 Nov.
  3. 11/03/2020. Project 3 specification is now available.
  4. 9/13/2020. Current schedule of upcoming tests and projects.
  5. 8/26/2020. To see the Zoom lectures, use the Live Lecture Link.
  6. 10/02/2020. Please use git-bug for all questions about bugs in your code. No, we can't magically figure out what's wrong in general without ALL your code and an explanation of the how to reproduce the problem. For directions, just run
    git-bug -h
    on the instructional machines. Use the git-bug command from within your working git directory containing (1) the committed code that you want us to look at, and (2) a file (which need not be committed) with a description of the bug symptoms and how to reproduce them.
  7. 10/2/2020. The git-bug script, as well as fsasim, earley, and style164 are available in the software branch of the shared repository. To download them to your local machine, we suggest you use a dedicated directory (let's say cs164-software) to contain them, using the command:
      git clone --single-branch -b software \
          cs164-taa@ashby.cs.berkeley.edu:shared cs164-software
    You may have to fiddle with the shebang lines at the beginning of some of the scripts (the line at the top beginning #!) in order to reference the correct version of Python on your system.
  8. That's right, there are no required textbooks for this course. All materials—including textbook-like course notes, lecture notes, and homework—will be online or handed out.
  9. We'll be posting information and announcements on the Piazza newsgroup (sign up here).

Page was last modified on Tue Dec 8 19:41:00 2020.
Address comments and questions to cs164@cs.berkeley.edu