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Peyrin Kao he/him DSP Data Access

Hello, I’m a first-year lecturer in EECS (so don’t call me Professor please). I did my undergrad at Berkeley, where I TA’d for a few classes (including CS 61C, CS 161, and CS 188 once). Then I did a masters’ at Berkeley, where I studied computer science education with Nicholas Weaver and Dan Garcia. This is my second time teaching CS 188 as co-instructor, so any feedback/advice/complaints are appreciated!

Stuart Russell


Evgeny Pobachienko he/him Head TA

Hi! I’m a CS major from the Bay Area. I really enjoyed CS 188, especially the fun projects, and I’m excited to be teaching it again. Besides CS, I like going on longish runs, hiking, and playing video games (mostly single-player). I look forward to meeting you!

Ajay Sridhar he/him

Hi! I am a 3rd-year EECS major from Oregon, and this is my 3rd time TAing 188. In my free time, I enjoy mountain biking, solving puzzles and walking my dog. I’m excited to meet you all this semester.

Alina Trinh she/her

Hi! I’m Alina, from Irvine, CA, and I’m a fourth-year studying EECS and business admin. In my free time, I like to go hiking, play piano, and binge watch random shows. Looking forward to a great semester!

Andrew Qin he/him

Hi, I’m Andrew. I’m interested in deep learning, and enjoy reading, exercising, and games. Looking forward to working with you all!

Andrew Wang he/him

Hi! I am a fourth-year EECS major from the LA area. My current research interests include RL and robotics. I’m very excited to meet everyone this semester. Feel free to reach out if you want to talk about anything!

Anthony Han he/him

Hi! I am a senior from China studying math and CS here at Berkeley. In my free time, I like to cook, read some books, and play some video games (mostly first-person shooters). I am super excited to teach 188 this semester, and feel free to talk to me about 188, long email addresses, or more!

Catherine Chen she/her

Hello! I’m an EECS PhD student working on NLP + computational neuroscience. Outside of research I like to run, swim, play music, and learn (natural) languages. Excited to meet y’all, feel free to reach out!

Cham Yao

Hey guys! I’m Cham, a 3rd year CS-major from Hinsdale, Illinois. My hobbies include reading (I like Hemingway, Elena Ferrante, Murakami, Jhumpa Lahiri, among others), chess (I play the Queen’s Gambit and Caro), climbing, and running. Excited for the semester!

Hrish Leen he/him

“Hiyo! I’m a third year CS major and excited to meet you all! Feel free to challenge me to an impromptu blitz chess game! .– …. -.– / -.. .. -.. / -.– — ..- / –. — / - …. .-. — ..- –. …. / .- .-.. .-.. / - …. .- - / - .-. — ..- -… .-.. .”

Jerry Sun he/him

Hi my name is Jerry and I am a junior studying computer science and environmental science. My research interests are in stomata optimization. In my spare time, I like to ski, listen to Mitski and support the Warriors.

Joy Liu she/her

I’m a junior studying CS and Cognitive Science. I do some mental health research at UCSF and I like reading and hiking. Feel free to reach out!

Lucas Sosa he/him

Hi! I’m a 3rd year EECS major from SoCal. Outside of school, I enjoy rock climbing and playing video games. Looking forward to meeting you all!

Medhini Gulganjalli Narasimhan

Hi! I’m a 4th year Ph.D. candidate at UC Berkeley, where I’m advised by Prof. Trevor Darrell and a member of Berkeley AI Research (BAIR). My research focuses on designing computer vision models that can understand and learn from the plethora of internet videos, in a fashion similar to humans. To this end, my recent work explores learning multimodal representations from videos and using these to summarize and edit videos. I’m also interested in vision applications for wildlife conservation. I help co-organize the Berkeley AI Research Climate Initiative, where we focus on developing real-world solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Niklas Lauffer he/him

I am a second-year PhD student studying computer science, advised by Prof. Stuart Russell and Prof. Sanjit Seshia. I’m interested in human-AI cooperation, multiagent systems, and AI safety. In my research I use tools from machine learning, game theory, and formal methods. In my free time, I enjoy climbing/bouldering, cycling, hiking, and playing board games.

Nitish Dashora he/him

Hello, my name is Nitish and I’m a junior in EECS. I enjoy researching deep learning methods and their applications to robotics. Outside of school, I spend time making digital audio, cooking, and I’m also a huge movie fan.

Perry Dong

Hi everyone, my name is Perry and I’m a junior studying CS and math from Beijing, China. Feel free to reach out for anything and look forward to a great semester.

Rishi Parikh he/him

Hi everyone, I am looking forward to an exciting semester! This will be my third time as a TA for 188. In my free time I love playing sports such as basketball, soccer, and am learning how to play volleyball. Feel free to reach out to me and let’s have a great semester!

Rudy Corona he/they

Hi, I’m Rodolfo (Rudy)! I’m a 4th year PhD student advised by Trevor Darrell and Dan Klein working at the intersection of computer vision and NLP.

Sashrika Pandey she/her

Hey! I’m a third year CS major and my research interests are in human-AI interaction. Some of my hobbies include running to different viewpoints in Berkeley, playing chess (I really want to play on Telegraph one day), badminton, and creative writing. See y’all around :))

Shivana Anand she/her

Hi! I’m Shivana, a third-year studying EECS and business. Excited to TA 188 this semester!

Sid Ijju he/him

Hey everyone! I’m a 3rd year EECS and Business major from Colorado. I’m really interested in human-robot interaction and reinforcement learning research. In my free time, I like baking and drawing. I’m looking forward to meeting all of you and having a great semester!

Simon Zhai

3rd year EECS PhD, interested in reinforcement learning

Suhong Moon he/him

Hi! I’m a grad student and interested in representation learning.

Tianjun Zhang

Tianjun Zhang is a PhD student in EECS Berkeley. His research lies into the reinforcement learning and its applications with large language models/language-image models (especially reinforcement learning with human feedback).

Xiangwei Kong he/him

Hello! I’m a junior and major in Comp Sci and Econ major. I come from Beijing. This is my third time to become a CS188 TA and I am really excited to meet everyone! Outside of work, I love playing tennis and running.


Kirthi Kumar she/her

Hi! I’m Kirthi, a junior studying EECS and Business. I previously TA’d CS 195/H195 (computer ethics), excited to read for 188 this semester!

Pranav Muralikrishnan he/him

Hi! My name is Pranav and I’m a sophomore majoring in Math and CS from New Jersey. I love going camping, playing video games, and playing the saxophone. I also love learning about math! I’m excited to be on course staff this semester!

Rami Ratl Mrad

Hi! I’m a second year majoring in EECS from SoCal. I’m interested in AI and the intersection of EECS and neuroscience research. Feel free to reach out regarding any questions.

Stanley Kwon he/him

What’s up! I’m Stanley, a junior majoring in CS and Economics. In my free time, I like scrolling through TikTok to find the end of my #fyp, eating Chipotle, and juggling. Looking forward to meeting you all!

Xavier Yin