Week 15 Announcements
- The last day to complete any assignments (including extensions) will be the Friday of RRR week, or Friday, May 3.
- Note that any extensions requested past that Friday will not be granted.
- This will be the last week of normal discussions, with next week having two 2-hour final review sessions (more details to come).
Extra Credit:
- If the lecture and GSI course evaluations for this class reach at least 70%, then we will be granting a +1% extra credit on the final.
- Homework 10 Part A and Part B extended, now due Wednesday, April 24, 11:59 PM PT
- Project 6 released, due Friday, April 26, 11:59 PM PT
Week 14 Announcements
- Project 5 has been released, due Tuesday, April 16, 11:59 PM PT
- Homework 9 Part A and Part B released, due Tuesday, April 16, 11:59 PM PT
- Homework 10 Part A and Part B will be released later this week, due Tuesday, April 23, 11:59 PM PT
- Project 6 will be released later this week, due Friday, April 26, 11:59 PM PT
We’re almost at the end, hang in there!
Week 13 Announcements
Attendance Extra Credit:
- The EC attendance assignment has been updated on Gradescope!
- To view your updated attendance, either submit the
file as mentioned in #353 if you haven’t, or click “re-run autograder” to see the updated score.
- Homework 8 Part A and Part B are due Tuesday, April 9, 11:59 PM PT
- Project 5 has been released, due Tuesday, April 16, 11:59 PM PT
- Homework 9 Part A and Part B will be released later this week, due Tuesday, April 16, 11:59 PM PT
Week 12 Announcements
Attendance Extra Credit:
- The EC attendance assignment has been updated on Gradescope!
- To view your updated attendance, either submit the
file as mentioned in #353 if you haven’t, or click “re-run autograder” to see the updated score.
TA 1-1s:
- We will be offering one-on-one TA meetings, with the preference form linked here.
- If you’d like to meet with us 1-1, be sure to fill in as many time slots as you can, and we will try our best to meet with as many of you as possible.
- Do note that these are not really meant for conceptual/assignment questions (such as those on Ed/OH) but rather for any personal questions or advice you may need.
- If you see a time you like on this calendar, feel free to sign up directly as well.
- Homework 7 Part A and Part B are due Tuesday, April 2, 11:59 PM PT
- Homework 8 Part A and Part B will be released later this week, due Tuesday, April 9, 11:59 PM PT
- Project 5 will be released later this week, due Tuesday, April 16, 11:59 PM PT
Week 10 Announcements
TA 1-1s:
- We will be offering one-on-one TA meetings, with the preference form linked here.
- If you’d like to meet with us 1-1, be sure to fill in as many time slots as you can, and we will try our best to meet with as many of you as possible.
- Do note that these are not really meant for conceptual/assignment questions (such as those on Ed/OH) but rather for any personal questions or advice you may need.
- Homework 6 Part A and Part B have been released, due Tuesday, March 19, 11:59 PM PT
- Project 4 has been released, due Friday, March 22, 11:59 PM PT
Week 9 Announcements
- Great job on the midterm guys! Grades should be out sometime this week so be on the lookout!
- Remember to select “Question” when making private Ed posts so that course staff can filter for unresolved posts to help you all easily.
- Homework 5 Part A and Part B have been released, due Wednesday, March 13, 11:59 PM PT
- Project 4 has been released, due Friday, March 22, 11:59 PM PT
Week 8 Announcements
- A reminder that the midterm is tomorrow, Tuesday, March 5, 2024, 7–9pm PT
- Ed will be set to private posts only from 5 PM onward.
- Room assignment emails should have been sent out over the weekend, so if you have not received one, be sure to make a private post ASAP.
- Additionally, due to the midterm, there will be no discussions this week and there will also be no office hours past 5 PM tomorrow (Tuesday). Lecture is also cancelled for tomorrow (Tuesday, March 5th).
- Further information can be found in the Exam Logistics Post.
Ed Etiquette:
- Remember to select “Question” when making private Ed posts so that course staff can filter for unresolved posts to help you all easily.
- Homework 5 Part A and Part B will be released later this week, due Wednesday, March 13, 11:59 PM PT
Week 7 Announcements
Midterm Review Session:
- We will be hosting a Midterm Review Session this Thursday, February 29, 6-8 PM PT
- It will be livestreamed on Zoom and recorded, but be sure to come in person and get all of your questions answered!
- A review worksheet will be posted soon with questions that we will be going over.
- There will be a short mini-lecture review of topics, followed by livesolves of questions by our amazing course staff!
- Project 3 released, due Tuesday, February 27, 11:59 PM PT
- Homework 4 Part A and Part B released, due Friday, March 1, 11:59 PM PT
Week 6 Announcements
Midterm Logistics:
- The Midterm is on Tuesday, March 5, 7–9 PM PT
- Room assignments and more details will be sent out sometime in the next few weeks.
- Homework 3 Part A and Part B released, due Tuesday, February 20, 11:59 PM PT
- Project 3 released, due Tuesday, February 27, 11:59 PM PT
- Homework 4 Part A and Part B will be released later this week, due Friday, March 1, 11:59 PM PT
Week 5 Announcements
Extra Credit:
- As stated on the website, we will be offering a maximum of 2% extra credit for lecture attendance, with each lecture contributing equally to the amount of extra credit received, apart from the first lecture which is given free.
- Additionally, we will be offering a maximum of 1% extra credit for discussion attendance. Each discussion will count for 0.1%, with up to two discussions a week (1 normal + 1 exam prep).
Instructor Office Hours:
- Instructor Office Hours have begun! These are meant for students to have an opportunity to discuss more conceptual / career / research questions with our instructors. Please reserve more specific questions about homeworks / projects for regular office hours.
- Cam’s OH are Mondays/Wednesdays from 10 AM - 11 AM PT in Soda 443 which must be scheduled using the following link.
- Michael’s OH are Tuesdays/Thursdays right after lecture, and will be held down the stairs to the left of the lecture hall.
- Project 2 released, due Friday, February 16, 11:59 PM PT
- Homework 3 Part A and Part B will be released on Tuesday, February 13 and due Tuesday, February 20, 11:59 PM PT
Week 4 Announcements
Office Hours:
- Due to increased OH demand and a lack of TAs during hours of high traffic, we have decided to remove the 6 - 7 PM OH slot on all days and reallocate those TAs throughout the rest of the slots.
Instructor Office Hours:
- Instructor Office Hours have begun! These are meant for students to have an opportunity to discuss more conceptual / career / research questions with our instructors. Please reserve more specific questions about homeworks / projects for regular office hours.
- Cam’s OH are Mondays/Wednesdays from 10 AM - 11 AM PT in Soda 443 which must be scheduled using the following link.
- Michael’s OH are Tuesdays/Thursdays right after lecture, and will be held down the stairs to the left of the lecture hall.
- Homework 2 Part A and Part B released, due Thursday, February 8, 11:59 PM PT
- Project 2 released, due Friday, February 16, 11:59 PM PT
Week 3 Announcements
- We will be offering extra credit (up to 1-3%) for lecture attendance and discussion attendance.
- When posting private questions with code, make sure to either upload zip files of your code or use the code block functionality.
Week 2 Announcements
- Homework 0 [Optional] is due Tuesday, January 23, 11:59 PM PT
- Homework 1 Part A and Part B released, due Tuesday, January 30, 11:59 PM PT
- Project 1 released, due Friday, February 2, 11:59 PM PT
- Discussions will begin this week and times are posted on the class calendar.
Office Hours:
- Office hours have begun and times are posted on the class calendar.
- We will be offering extra credit (up to 1-3%) for lecture attendance and discussion attendance.
- Please do not use course staff personal emails for questions related to the course, email or consider posting on Ed instead.
- When posting private questions with code, make sure to either upload zip files of your code or use the code block functionality.
Week 1 Announcements
- Project 0 [Optional] is due Friday, January 19, 11:59 PM PT
- Homework 0 [Optional] is due Tuesday, January 23, 11:59 PM PT
- Discussions will begin next week and times will be posted later this week.
Office Hours:
- Office hours will also begin next week.
- We will be offering extra credit (up to 1-2%) for lecture attendance and discussion attendance.
- CLARIFICATION: The final exam will be held on Thursday, May 9, 3–6pm PT
- A friendly reminder that all project work done in this class must not be visible to other students. For more information, feel free to reference the Collaboration Policy section on the course website.