Exam Logistics

The final is on Thursday, May 9, 2024, 3-6 PM PT.

If you need to take the exam remotely at that time (must start at 3pm the same day), or if you need to take the alternate exam (same day, 6-9 PM PT, in-person only), or if you have another exam at the same time, or if you need DSP accommodations, please fill out this form by Thursday, May 2, 11:59 PM PT. We will respond to all form submissions after the form closes.

The following topics are fully in scope for the final: Search, Games, Logic, Bayes Nets, HMMs, Utility, Rationality, Decision Networks, VPI, MDPs, Machine Learning, and Reinforcement Learning. These were covered in: Lectures 1-25, Notes 1-25, Discussions 1-13, Projects 1-6, and Homeworks 1-10.

The exam will be closed-book, closed-notes, and closed-Internet. No calculators are allowed (no questions should require a calculator). However, you may use two cheat sheets (two-sided) of your own design (handwritten and typed both allowed).

In-Person Logistics

  • We’ll email you an exam location a day or two before the exam.
  • Please try to arrive early, so that we can start on time.

Remote Logistics

  • Before the exam:
    • We’ll email you a Zoom link a day or two before the exam.
  • On the day of the exam:
    • Join the Zoom meeting on the computer you will be using and share your entire screen.
    • Set up a camera showing your workspace (e.g. join Zoom on your phone, or turn on a webcam feed). You don’t need to share audio.
    • At 3:10 PM PT, you will be emailed a PDF of the exam, and an answer sheet assignment will appear on Gradescope.
    • You should only have the exam PDF and the Gradescope answer sheet on your screen during the exam.
    • If you have clarification questions, DM a proctor using the Zoom chat. The top of your answer sheet has a link to the clarifications.
    • When you’re done, you can just leave the call. The Gradescope answer sheet will close at 6:00 PM PT.
  • Technical difficulties:
    • Don’t worry if your video feed disconnects briefly during the exam.
    • If you encounter any logistics problems during the exam, email cs188@berkeley.edu.
    • If you need to use the bathroom, leave your phone in camera view, and leave the video feed on while you’re away.

(last updated April 23, 2024)

Academic Integrity

  • Any form of communication or collaboration is cheating. Providing answers, receiving answers, and even just talking with others about course material during the exam windows are all violations of the Berkeley honor code.
  • Every case of potential academic dishonesty will be manually reviewed, and you’ll be able to discuss the situation with an instructor.
  • We may ask some students to take a short verbal exam after the exam and explain how to solve one or more problems that are similar to an exam question they got right.
  • Please be mindful to not discuss the exam until solutions are released. Keep in mind that we still have alternates and DSP exams after the normal exam ends.