Vertigo Shots


In this assignment, we duplicate a famous in-camera effect: the dolly zoom. To imitate this visual effect we need to make sure that we have a caerma with a real zoom lens so that we can accurate control the amount of zoom that we apply to each image. To create this dolly zoom effect, we zoom out the camera when close to the subject and zoom in to the camera when far away from the subject. By this, though the subject may seem to be in the same general area with roughly the same size, because of the zoom the field of view will change in each picture, creating a cool effect with the background.

First (rough) success

In our first attempt, we have the helmet as the subject as we zoom in on the subject while slightly moving back. The results are rather disappointing, as it was hard to keep the helmet in the same area/size because there were no reference points.

Storm Trooper Helmet


We also had some failure cases. In this specific example, there were not enough references or constrasting areas on the walls next to the staircase - so the effects were not nearly as obvious.


In this sequence, we walk away from the subject while zooming in, similar to what we did for the helmet.


Bells and Whistles!

Other than just creating the GIFs, we also tried different movements and directions. In this case, I stayed still while the subject moved towards me. In this case, I would zoom out as the subject walked towards me.
