Meet the DeNero TAs

We are very excited to teach you this fall! Please contact course staff if you have any logistical questions or concerns. Otherwise feel free to email any of the staff members below.

Teaching Assistants (TAs), also known as Graduate/Undergraduate Student Instructors (GSIs) or Undergraduate Course Staff 2 (UCS2s), focus their teaching efforts on a particular component of the course, such as sections, exam prep, or walkthrough videos. Head TAs additionally manage a broader component of the course, such as logistics, content, software, office hours, etc.

Some TAs have access to sensitive information, and so are listed first. A TA with the "cs61a@" tag has access to the inbox, and so will see (and likely respond to) anything that goes through that email. A TA with the "DSP" tag has access to DSP information, and so will see anything related to accommodations.

Amy Xu

Amy Xu

  • DSP

  • Hi! I'm Amy, a second year from San Diego studying CS & Cogsci. I like to bake, play tennis, and paint cat birthday cards in my free time. I'm super excited to be a TA for CS 61A and looking forward to meeting you all! Feel free to reach out to me about anything :)
Jenna Woo

Jenna Woo

J.D. Zamfirescu-Pereira

J.D. Zamfirescu-Pereira

Shafeeq Ibraheem

Shafeeq Ibraheem