Rao Discussion 6: Iterators, Generators

This discussion worksheet is for the Rao offering of CS 61A. Your work is not graded and you do not need to submit anything.


An iterable is an object whose elements we can go through one at a time. Iterables can be used in for loops and list comprehensions. Iterables can also be converted into lists using the list function. Examples of iterables we have seen so far in Python include strings, lists, tuples, and ranges.

>>> for x in "cat":
...     print(x)
>>> [x*2 for x in (1, 2, 3)]
[2, 4, 6]
>>> list(range(4))
[0, 1, 2, 3]

Note the abstraction present here: given some iterable object, we have a set of defined actions that we can take with it. In this discussion, we will peak below the abstraction barrier and examine how iterables are implemented "under the hood".

In Python, iterables are formally implemented as objects that can be passed into the built-in iter function to produce an iterator. An iterator is another type of object that can produce elements one at a time with the next function.

  • iter(iterable): Returns an iterator over the elements of the given iterable.
  • next(iterator): Returns the next element in an iterator, or raises a StopIteration exception if there are no elements left.

For example, a list of numbers is an iterable, since iter gives us an iterator over the given sequence, which we can navigate using the next function:

>>> lst = [1, 2, 3]
>>> lst_iter = iter(lst)
>>> lst_iter
<list_iterator object ...>
>>> next(lst)
>>> next(lst)
>>> next(lst)
>>> next(lst)

Iterators are very simple. There is only a mechanism to get the next element in the iterator: next. There is no way to index into an iterator and there is no way to go backward. Once an iterator has produced an element, there is no way for us to get that element again unless we store it.

Note that iterators themselves are iterables: calling iter on an iterator simply returns the same iterator object.

For example, we can see what happens when we use iter and next with a list:

>>> lst = [1, 2, 3]
>>> next(lst)             # Calling next on an iterable
TypeError: 'list' object is not an iterator
>>> list_iter = iter(lst) # Creates an iterator for the list
>>> next(list_iter)       # Calling next on an iterator
>>> next(iter(list_iter)) # Calling iter on an iterator returns itself
>>> for e in list_iter:   # Exhausts remainder of list_iter
...     print(e)
>>> next(list_iter)       # No elements left!
>>> lst                   # Original iterable is unaffected
[1, 2, 3]

The map and filter functions we learned earlier in class return iterator objects.

Q1: WWPD: Iterators

What would Python display?

>>> s = "cs61a"
>>> s_iter = iter(s)
>>> next(s_iter)
>>> next(s_iter)
>>> list(s_iter)
>>> s = [[1, 2, 3, 4]]
>>> i = iter(s)
>>> j = iter(next(i))
>>> next(j)
>>> s.append(5)
>>> next(i)
>>> next(j)
>>> list(j)
>>> next(i)


We can define custom iterators by writing a generator function, which returns a special type of iterator called a generator.

A generator function looks like a normal Python function, except that it has at least one yield statement. When we call a generator function, a generator object is returned without evaluating the body of the generator function itself. (Note that this is different from ordinary Python functions. While generator functions and normal functions look the same, their evaluation rules are very different!)

When we first call next on the returned generator, we will begin evaluating the body of the generator function until an element is yielded or the function otherwise stops (such as if we return). The generator remembers where we stopped, and will continue evaluating from that stopping point on the next time we call next.

As with other iterators, if there are no more elements to be generated, then calling next on the generator will give us a StopIteration.

For example, here's a generator function:

def countdown(n):
    print("Beginning countdown!")
    while n >= 0:
        yield n
        n -= 1

To create a new generator object, we can call the generator function. Each returned generator object from a function call will separately keep track of where it is in terms of evaluating the body of the function. Like all other iterators, calling iter on an existing generator object returns the same generator object.

>>> c1, c2 = countdown(2), countdown(2)
>>> c1 is iter(c1)  # a generator is an iterator
>>> c1 is c2
>>> next(c1)
Beginning countdown!
>>> next(c2)
Beginning countdown!

In a generator function, we can also have a yield from statement, which will yield each element from an iterator or iterable.

>>> def gen_list(lst):
...     yield from lst
>>> g = gen_list([1, 2])
>>> next(g)
>>> next(g)
>>> next(g)

Since generators are themselves iterators, this means we can use yield from to create recursive generators!

>>> def rec_countdown(n):
...     if n < 0:
...         print("Blastoff!")
...     else:
...         yield n
...         yield from rec_countdown(n-1)
>>> r = rec_countdown(2)
>>> next(r)
>>> next(r)
>>> next(r)
>>> next(r)

Q2: WWPD: Generators

What would Python display? If the command errors, input the specific error.

>>> def infinite_generator(n):
...     yield n
...     while True:
...     	n += 1
...     	yield n
>>> next(infinite_generator)
>>> gen_obj = infinite_generator(1)
>>> next(gen_obj)
>>> next(gen_obj)
>>> list(gen_obj)
>>> def rev_str(s):
...     for i in range(len(s)):
...         yield from s[i::-1]
>>> hey = rev_str("hey")
>>> next(hey)
>>> next(hey)
>>> next(hey)
>>> list(hey)
>>> def add_prefix(s, pre):
...     if not pre:
...         return
...     yield pre[0] + s
...     yield from add_prefix(s, pre[1:])
>>> school = add_prefix("schooler", ["pre", "middle", "high"])
>>> next(school)
>>> list(map(lambda x: x[:-2], school))

Q3: Filter-Iter

Implement a generator function called filter_iter(iterable, f) that only yields elements of iterable for which f returns True.

Remember, iterable could be infinite!

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Q4: What's the Difference?

Implement differences, a generator function that takes an iterable it whose elements are numbers. differences should produce a generator that yield the differences between successive terms of it. If it has less than 2 values, differences should yield nothing.

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Q5: Primes Generator

Write a function primes_gen that takes a single argument n and yields all prime numbers less than or equal to n in decreasing order. Assume n >= 1. You may use the is_prime function included below, which we implemented in Discussion 3.

First approach this problem using a for loop and using yield.

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Now that you've done it using a for loop and yield, try using yield from!

Optional Challenge: Now rewrite the generator so that it also prints the primes in ascending order.

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Q6: Stair Ways

In discussion 4, we considered how many different ways there are to climb a flight of stairs with n steps if you are able to take 1 or 2 steps at a time. In this problem, you will write a generator function stair_ways that yields all the different ways you can climb such a staircase.

Each "way" of climbing a staircase is represented by a list of 1s and 2s, representing the sequence of step sizes a person should take to climb the flight.

For example, for a flight with 3 steps, there are three ways to climb it:

  • You can take one step each time: [1, 1, 1].
  • You can take two steps then one step: [2, 1].
  • You can take one step then two steps: [1, 2]..

Therefore, stair_ways(3) should yield [1, 1, 1], [2, 1], and [1, 2] in any order.

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