Lab 11: Interpreters

Due by 11:59pm on Wednesday, November 8.

Starter Files

Download Inside the archive, you will find starter files for the questions in this lab, along with a copy of the Ok autograder.


Consult this section if you need a refresher on the material for this lab. It's okay to skip directly to the questions and refer back here should you get stuck.


An interpreter is a program that allows you to interact with the computer in a certain language. It understands the expressions that you type in through that language, and performs the corresponding actions in some way, usually using an underlying language.

In Project 4, you will use Python to implement an interpreter for Scheme. The Python interpreter that you've been using all semester is written (mostly) in the C programming language. The computer itself uses hardware to interpret machine code (a series of ones and zeros that represent basic operations like adding numbers, loading information from memory, etc).

When we talk about an interpreter, there are two languages at work:

  1. The language being interpreted/implemented. For Project 4, we are interpreting the Scheme language.
  2. The underlying implementation language. For Project 4, we will implement an interpreter for Scheme using Python.


Many interpreters use a Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL). This loop waits for user input, and then processes it in three steps:

  • Read: The interpreter takes the user input (a string) and passes it through a parser. The parser processes the input in two steps:

    • The lexical analysis step turns the user input string into tokens that are like "words" of the implemented language. Tokens represent the smallest units of information.
    • The syntactic analysis step takes the tokens from the previous step and organizes them into a data structure that the underlying language can understand. For our Scheme interpreter, we create a Pair object (similar to a Linked List) from the tokens to represent the original call expression.

      • The first item in the Pair represents the operator of the call expression. The subsequent items are the operands of the call expression, or the arguments that the operator will be applied to. Note that operands themselves can also be nested call expressions.

Below is a summary of the read process for a Scheme expression input:

  • Eval: Mutual recursion between eval and apply evaluate the expression to obtain a value.

    • eval takes an expression and evaluates it according to the rules of the language. Evaluating a call expression involves calling apply to apply an evaluated operator to its evaluated operands.
    • apply takes an evaluated operator, i.e., a function, and applies it to the call expression's arguments. Apply may call eval to do more work in the body of the function, so eval and apply are mutually recursive.
  • Print: Display the result of evaluating the user input.

Here's how all the pieces fit together:

Required Questions

Getting Started Videos

These videos may provide some helpful direction for tackling the coding problems on this assignment.

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An interpreter is a program that executes programs. Today, we will extend the interpreter for Calculator, a simple made-up language that is a subset of Scheme. This lab is like Project 4 in miniature.

The Calculator language includes only the four basic arithmetic operations: +, -, *, and /. These operations can be nested and can take various numbers of arguments, just like in Scheme. A few examples of calculator expressions and their corresponding values are shown below.

 calc> (+ 2 2 2)

 calc> (- 5)

 calc> (* (+ 1 2) (+ 2 3 4))

Calculator expressions are represented as Python objects:

  • Numbers are represented using Python numbers.
  • The symbols for arithmetic operations are represented using Python strings (e.g. '+').
  • Call expressions are represented using the Pair class below.

Pair Class

To represent Scheme lists in Python, we will use the Pair class (in both this lab and the Scheme project). A Pair instance has two attributes: first and rest. Pair is always called on two arguments. To make a list, nest calls to Pair and pass in nil as the second argument of the last pair.

  • Look familiar? Pair is very similar to Link, the class we used to represent linked lists. They differ in their str representation: printing a Pair instance displays the list using Scheme syntax.

Note In the Python code, nil is bound to a user-defined object that represents an empty Scheme list. Similarly, nil in Scheme evaluates to an empty list.

For example, once our interpreter reads in the Scheme expression (+ 2 3), it is represented as Pair('+', Pair(2, Pair(3, nil))).

>>> p = Pair('+', Pair(2, Pair(3, nil)))
>>> p.first
Pair(2, Pair(3, nil))
>>> print(p)
(+ 2 3)

The Pair class has a map method that takes a one-argument python function fn. It returns the Scheme list that results from applying fn to each element of the Scheme list.

>>> x: 2 * x)
Pair(4, Pair(6, nil))

Here is the Pair class and nil object (__str__ and __repr__ methods not shown).

class Pair:
    """Represents the built-in pair data structure in Scheme."""
    def __init__(self, first, rest):
        self.first = first = rest

    def map(self, fn):
        """Return a Scheme list after mapping Python function FN to SELF."""
        mapped = fn(self.first)
        if is nil or isinstance(, Pair):
            return Pair(mapped,
            raise TypeError('ill-formed list')
class nil:
    """The empty list"""

    def map(self, fn):
        return self

nil = nil() # Assignment hides the nil class; there is only one instance

Q1: Using Pair

Answer the following questions about a Pair instance representing the Calculator expression (+ (- 2 4) 6 8).

Use Ok to test your understanding:

python3 ok -q using_pair -u

Calculator Evaluation

For Question 2 (New Procedure) and Question 4 (Saving Values), you'll need to update the calc_eval function below, which evaluates a Calculator expression. For Question 2, you'll determine what are the operator and operands for a call expression in Scheme as well as how to apply a procedure to arguments the calc_apply line. For Question 4, you'll determine how to look up the value of symbols previously defined.

def calc_eval(exp):
    >>> calc_eval(Pair("define", Pair("a", Pair(1, nil))))
    >>> calc_eval("a")
    >>> calc_eval(Pair("+", Pair(1, Pair(2, nil))))
    if isinstance(exp, Pair):
        operator = ____________ # UPDATE THIS FOR Q2
        operands = ____________ # UPDATE THIS FOR Q2
        if operator == 'and': # and expressions
            return eval_and(operands)
        elif operator == 'define': # define expressions
            return eval_define(operands)
        else: # Call expressions
            return calc_apply(___________, ___________) # UPDATE THIS FOR Q2
    elif exp in OPERATORS:   # Looking up procedures
        return OPERATORS[exp]
    elif isinstance(exp, int) or isinstance(exp, bool):   # Numbers and booleans
        return exp
    elif _________________: # CHANGE THIS CONDITION FOR Q4
        return _________________ # UPDATE THIS FOR Q4

Q2: New Procedure

Add the // operation to Calculator, a floor-division procedure such that (// dividend divisor) returns the result of dividing dividend by divisor, ignoring the remainder (dividend // divisor in Python). Handle multiple inputs as illustrated in the following example: (// dividend divisor1 divisor2 divisor3) evaluates to (((dividend // divisor1) // divisor2) // divisor3) in Python. Assume every call to // has at least two arguments.

Hint: You will need to modify both the calc_eval and floor_div methods for this question!

calc> (// 1 1)
calc> (// 5 2)
calc> (// 28 (+ 1 1) 1)

Hint: Make sure that every element in a Pair (the operator and all operands) will be calc_eval-uated once, so that we can correctly apply the relevant Python operator to operands! You may find the map method of the Pair class useful for this.

def floor_div(args):
    >>> floor_div(Pair(100, Pair(10, nil)))
    >>> floor_div(Pair(5, Pair(3, nil)))
    >>> floor_div(Pair(1, Pair(1, nil)))
    >>> floor_div(Pair(5, Pair(2, nil)))
    >>> floor_div(Pair(23, Pair(2, Pair(5, nil))))
    >>> calc_eval(Pair("//", Pair(4, Pair(2, nil))))
    >>> calc_eval(Pair("//", Pair(100, Pair(2, Pair(2, Pair(2, Pair(2, Pair(2, nil))))))))
    >>> calc_eval(Pair("//", Pair(100, Pair(Pair("+", Pair(2, Pair(3, nil))), nil))))

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q floor_div

Q3: New Form

Add and expressions to our Calculator interpreter as well as introduce the Scheme boolean values #t and #f, represented as Python True and False. (The examples below assumes conditional operators (e.g. <, >, =, etc) have already been implemented, but you do not have to worry about them for this question.)

calc> (and (= 1 1) 3)
calc> (and (+ 1 0) (< 1 0) (/ 1 0))
calc> (and #f (+ 1 0))
calc> (and 0 1 (+ 5 1)) ; 0 is a true value in Scheme!

In a call expression, we first evaluate the operator, then evaluate the operands, and finally apply the procedure to its arguments (just like you did for floor_div in the previous question). However, since and is a special form that short circuits on the first false argument, we cannot evaluate and expressions the same way we evaluate call expressions. We need to add special logic for forms that don't always evaluate all the sub-expressions.

scheme_t = True   # Scheme's #t
scheme_f = False  # Scheme's #f

def eval_and(expressions):
    >>> calc_eval(Pair("and", Pair(1, nil)))
    >>> calc_eval(Pair("and", Pair(False, Pair("1", nil))))
    >>> calc_eval(Pair("and", Pair(1, Pair(Pair("//", Pair(5, Pair(2, nil))), nil))))
    >>> calc_eval(Pair("and", Pair(Pair('+', Pair(1, Pair(1, nil))), Pair(3, nil))))
    >>> calc_eval(Pair("and", Pair(Pair('-', Pair(1, Pair(0, nil))), Pair(Pair('/', Pair(5, Pair(2, nil))), nil))))
    >>> calc_eval(Pair("and", Pair(0, Pair(1, nil))))
    >>> calc_eval(Pair("and", nil))

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q eval_and

Q4: Saving Values

Implement a define special form that binds values to symbols. This should work like define in Scheme: (define <symbol> <expression>) first evaluates the expression, then binds the symbol to its value. The whole define expression evaluates to the symbol.

calc> (define a 1)
calc> a

This is a more involved change. Here are the 4 steps involved:

  1. Add a bindings dictionary that will store the symbols and correspondings values (done for you).
  2. Identify when the define form is given to calc_eval (done for you).
  3. Allow symbols bound to values to be looked up in calc_eval.
  4. Write the function eval_define which should add symbols and values to the bindings dictionary.
bindings = {}

def eval_define(expressions):
    >>> eval_define(Pair("a", Pair(1, nil)))
    >>> eval_define(Pair("b", Pair(3, nil)))
    >>> eval_define(Pair("c", Pair("a", nil)))
    >>> calc_eval("c")
    >>> calc_eval(Pair("define", Pair("d", Pair("//", nil))))
    >>> calc_eval(Pair("d", Pair(4, Pair(2, nil))))

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q eval_define

Check Your Score Locally

You can locally check your score on each question of this assignment by running

python3 ok --score

This does NOT submit the assignment! When you are satisfied with your score, submit the assignment to Gradescope to receive credit for it.


Make sure to submit this assignment by uploading any files you've edited to the appropriate Gradescope assignment. For a refresher on how to do this, refer to Lab 00.