Discussion 4: Mutability, Data Abstraction, Trees

This is an online worksheet that you can work on during discussions. Your work is not graded and you do not need to submit anything.


Some objects in Python, such as lists and dictionaries, are mutable, meaning that their contents or state can be changed. Other objects, such as numeric types, tuples, and strings, are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed once they are created.

Let's imagine you order a mushroom and cheese pizza from La Val's, and they represent your order as a list:

>>> pizza = ['cheese', 'mushrooms']

With list mutation, they can update your order by mutating pizza directly rather than having to create a new list:

>>> pizza.append('onions')
>>> pizza
['cheese', 'mushrooms', 'onions']

Aside from append, there are various other list mutation methods:

  • append(elem): Add elem to the end of the list. Return None.
  • extend(lst): Extend the list by concatenating it with lst. Return None.
  • insert(i, elem): Insert elem at index i. This does not replace any existing elements, but only adds the new element elem. Return None.
  • remove(elem): Remove the first occurrence of elem in list. Errors if elem is not in the list. Return None otherwise.
  • pop(i): Remove and return the element at index i.

We can also use list indexing with an assignment statement to change an existing element in a list. For example:

>>> pizza[1] = 'tomatoes'
>>> pizza
['cheese', 'tomatoes', 'onions']

Q1: WWPD: Mutability

What would Python display? In addition to giving the output, draw the box and pointer diagrams for each list to the right.

>>> x = [1, 2, 3]
>>> y = x
>>> x += [4]
>>> x
>>> y # y is pointing to the same list as x, which got mutated
>>> x = [1, 2, 3]
>>> y = x
>>> x = x + [4] # creates NEW list, assigns it to x
>>> x
>>> y   # y still points to OLD list, which was not mutated
>>> s1 = [1, 2, 3]
>>> s2 = s1
>>> s1 is s2
>>> s2.extend([5, 6])
>>> s1[4]
>>> s1.append([-1, 0, 1])
>>> s2[5]
>>> s3 = s2[:]
>>> s3.insert(3, s2.pop(3))
>>> len(s1)
>>> s1[4] is s3[6]
>>> s3[s2[4][1]]
>>> s1[:3] is s2[:3]
>>> s1[:3] == s2[:3]
>>> s1[4].append(2)
>>> s3[6][3]

Q2: Insert Items

Write a function which takes in a list lst, an argument entry, and another argument elem. This function will check through each item in lst to see if it is equal to entry. Upon finding an item equal to entry, the function should modify the list by placing elem into lst right after the item. At the end of the function, the modified list should be returned.

See the doctests for examples on how this function is utilized.

Important: Use list mutation to modify the original list. No new lists should be created or returned.

Note: If the values passed into entry and elem are equivalent, make sure you're not creating an infinitely long list while iterating through it. If you find that your code is taking more than a few seconds to run, the function may be in an infinite loop of inserting new values.

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Q3: Add This Many

Write a function that takes in a value x, a value elem, and a list s, and adds elem to the end of s the same number of times that x occurs in s. Make sure to modify the original list using list mutation techniques.

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Data Abstraction

Data abstraction is a powerful concept in computer science that allows programmers to treat code as objects. For example, using code to represent cars, chairs, people, and so on. That way, programmers don't have to worry about how code is implemented; they just have to know what it does.

Data abstraction mimics how we think about the world. If you want to drive a car, you don't need to know how the engine was built or what kind of material the tires are made of to do so. You just have to know how to use the car for driving itself, such as how to turn the wheel or press the gas pedal.

A data abstraction consists of two types of functions:

  • Constructors: functions that build the abstract data type.
  • Selectors: functions that retrieve information from the data type.

Programmers design data abstractions to abstract away how information is stored and calculated such that the end user does not need to know how constructors and selectors are implemented. The nature of abstraction allows whoever uses them to assume that the functions have been written correctly and work as described.


One example of data abstraction is with trees.

In computer science, trees are recursive data structures that are widely used in various settings and can be implemented in many ways. The diagram below is an example of a tree.

Example Tree

Notice that the tree branches downward. In computer science, the root of a tree starts at the top, and the leaves are at the bottom.

Some terminology regarding trees:

  • Parent Node: A node that has at least one branch.
  • Child Node: A node that has a parent. A child node can only have one parent.
  • Root: The top node of the tree. In our example, this is the 1 node.
  • Label: The value at a node. In our example, every node's label is an integer.
  • Leaf: A node that has no branches. In our example, the 4, 5, 6, 2 nodes are leaves.
  • Branch: A subtree of the root. Trees have branches, which are trees themselves: this is why trees are recursive data structures.
  • Depth: How far away a node is from the root. We define this as the number of edges between the root to the node. As there are no edges between the root and itself, the root has depth 0. In our example, the 3 node has depth 1 and the 4 node has depth 2.
  • Height: The depth of the lowest (furthest from the root) leaf. In our example, the 4, 5, and 6 nodes are all the lowest leaves with depth 2. Thus, the entire tree has height 2.

In computer science, there are many different types of trees. Some vary in the number of branches each node has; others vary in the structure of the tree.

Working with Trees

In this class, our first encounter with trees will be using the tree abstract data type (ADT), which is later defined. Through data abstraction, we've essentially designed the behavior for our very own type, just like an integer or string!

A tree has both a value for the root node and a sequence of branches, which are also trees. In our implementation, we represent the branches as a list of trees. Since a tree is a data abstraction, our choice to use lists is just an implementation detail.

  • The arguments to the constructor tree are the value for the root node and an optional list of branches. If no branches parameter is provided, the default value [] is used.
  • The selectors for these are label and branches.

Remember branches returns a list of trees and not a tree directly. It's important to distinguish between working with a tree and working with a list of trees.

We have also provided a convenience function, is_leaf.

Let's try to create the tree from above:

t = tree(1,

Tree ADT Implementation

For your reference, we have provided our implementation of trees as a data abstraction. However, as with any data abstraction, we should only concern ourselves with what our functions do rather than their specific implementation!

def tree(label, branches=[]):
    """Construct a tree with the given label value and a list of branches."""
    return [label] + list(branches)

def label(tree):
    """Return the label value of a tree."""
    return tree[0]

def branches(tree):
    """Return the list of branches of the given tree."""
    return tree[1:]

def is_leaf(tree):
    """Returns True if the given tree's list of branches is empty, and False
    return not branches(tree)

Q4: Tree Abstraction Barrier

Consider a tree t constructed by calling tree(1, [tree(2), tree(4)]). For each of the following expressions, answer these two questions:

  • What does the expression evaluate to?
  • Does the expression violate any abstraction barriers? If so, write an equivalent expression that does not violate abstraction barriers.
  1. label(t)

  2. t[0]

  3. label(branches(t)[0])

  4. is_leaf(t[1:][1])

  5. [label(b) for b in branches(t)]

  6. Challenge: branches(tree(5, [t, tree(3)]))[0][0]

Q5: Height

Write a function that returns the height of a tree. Recall that the height of a tree is the length of the longest path from the root to a leaf.

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Q6: Maximum Path Sum

Write a function that takes in a tree and returns the maximum sum of the values along any path in the tree. Recall that a path is from the tree's root to any leaf.

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Q7: Find Path

Write a function that takes in a tree and a value x and returns a list containing the nodes along the path required to get from the root of the tree to a node containing x.

If x is not present in the tree, return None. Assume that the entries of the tree are unique.

For the following tree, find_path(t, 5) should return [2, 7, 6, 5].

Example Tree

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Q8: Sprout Leaves

Define a function sprout_leaves that takes in a tree, t, and a list of leaves, leaves. It produces a new tree that is identical to t, but where each old leaf node has new branches, one for each leaf in leaves.

For example, say we have the tree t = tree(1, [tree(2), tree(3, [tree(4)])]):

 / \
2   3

If we call sprout_leaves(t, [5, 6]), the result is the following tree:

     /   \
    2     3
   / \    |
  5   6   4
         / \
        5   6
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Dictionaries are data structures which map keys to values. Dictionaries in Python are unordered, unlike real-world dictionaries --- in other words, key-value pairs are not arranged in the dictionary in any particular order. Let's look at an example:

>>> pokemon = {'pikachu': 25, 'dragonair': 148, 'mew': 151}
>>> pokemon['pikachu']
>>> pokemon['jolteon'] = 135
>>> pokemon
{'jolteon': 135, 'pikachu': 25, 'dragonair': 148, 'mew': 151}
>>> pokemon['ditto'] = 25
>>> pokemon
{'jolteon': 135, 'pikachu': 25, 'dragonair': 148,
'ditto': 25, 'mew': 151}

The keys of a dictionary can be any immutable value, such as numbers, strings, and tuples.[1] Dictionaries themselves are mutable; we can add, remove, and change entries after creation. There is only one value per key, however --- if we assign a new value to the same key, it overrides any previous value which might have existed.

To access the value of dictionary at key, use the syntax dictionary[key].

Element selection and reassignment work similarly to sequences, except the square brackets contain the key, not an index.

[1]To be exact, keys must be hashable, which is out of scope for this course. This means that some mutable objects, such as classes, can be used as dictionary keys.

Q9: WWPD: Dictionaries

What would Python display?

>>> pokemon = {'pikachu': 25, 'dragonair': 148}
>>> pokemon
>>> 'mewtwo' in pokemon
>>> len(pokemon)
>>> pokemon['mew'] = pokemon['pikachu']
>>> pokemon[25] = 'pikachu'
>>> pokemon
>>> pokemon['mewtwo'] = pokemon['mew'] * 2
>>> pokemon
>>> pokemon[['firetype', 'flying']] = 146

Note that the last example demonstrates that dictionaries cannot use other mutable data structures as keys. However, dictionaries can be arbitrarily deep, meaning the values of a dictionary can be themselves dictionaries.

Additional Practice

Q10: Dictionary Comprehension

Fill in the blank to complete the implementation of the dict_comp function, which takes a tuple of tuples and returns a dictionary that maps each tuple to the consecutive pair of digits within that tuple containing the maximum absolute pairwise difference.

Assume that sub-tuples have at least 2 elements.

>>> dict_comp(((1, 2, 5, -6, 10), (-30, 4, 20, 1)))
{(1, 2, 5, -6, 10): (-6, 10), (-30, 4, 20, 1): (-30, 4)}
  • In the first sublist (1, 2, 5, -6, 10), we have (1, 2), (2, 5), (5, -6), (-6, 10). Among these pairs, the last one has the maximum absolute pairwise difference of 16.
  • In the second sublist, notice that (-30, 20) has the maximum pairwise difference. However, they are not consecutive to one another.

Note: Why are we using tuples? Recall that the keys of a dictionary must be an immutable value! Lists are mutable, so we're going to have to use tuples instead. You'll see more of this in Cats!

Note: We generally don't use dictionary comprehensions in this class (opting for classic loops and manual insertion instead), so we've set up the dictionary portion of the code for you. Think of this as just a more involved list comprehension problem and a taste of the things you can do with dictionaries!

Hint: We want to consider every possible pair of consecutive digits and compute their absolute difference. Then we want to apply some aggregator function over these pairs to select the one with the greatest difference!

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Q11: Perfectly Balanced

Part A: Implement sum_tree, which returns the sum of all the labels in tree t.

Part B: Implement balanced, which returns whether every branch of t has the same total sum and that the branches themselves are also balanced.

Hint: If we ever need to select a specific branch, we will need to break index into our branches list!

Challenge: Solve both of these parts with just 1 line of code each.

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