Meet the instructors

We are very excited to teach you this summer! If you have logistical questions or concerns, please contact the course staff.

Instructors give course lectures, manage course staff, and oversee course policies.

Jordan Schwartz

Jordan Schwartz


  • Hi!! I'm Jordan, and I'm a senior from the Bay Area. In addition to teaching, in my free time I like to play board games and dance!! I'm super excited to be on course staff for CS61A again this semester :))
Mahnoor Haq

Mahnoor Haq


  • Hey all! I'm a fourth-year BioE + Data Science major from the Bay Area. In my free time, I enjoy baking, crafting, and spending time outdoors. Super excited to meet y'all and looking forward to a great semester! Also, feel free to reach out about anything :)
Tim Tu

Tim Tu


  • Name: Tim/Tu. Pronouns: Him/Who. Worst Text Editor/Framework: Vim/Vue. Favorite Slime: Rim/Uru. Who's Excited For 61A: Tim/You. I wrote this on a whim. Woo!