Lab 9: Mutable Trees, Linked Lists

Due by 11:59pm on Tuesday, July 25.

Starter Files

Download Inside the archive, you will find starter files for the questions in this lab, along with a copy of the Ok autograder.


Consult this section if you need a refresher on the material for this lab. It's okay to skip directly to the questions and refer back here should you get stuck.

Mutable Trees

We define a tree to be a recursive data abstraction that has a label (the value stored in the root of the tree) and branches (a list of trees directly underneath the root).

Previously we implemented trees by using a functional data abstraction, with the tree constructor function and the label and branches selector functions. Now we implement trees by creating the Tree class. Here is part of the class included in the lab.

class Tree:
    >>> t = Tree(3, [Tree(2, [Tree(5)]), Tree(4)])
    >>> t.label
    >>> t.branches[0].label
    >>> t.branches[1].is_leaf()
    def __init__(self, label, branches=[]):
        for b in branches:
            assert isinstance(b, Tree)
        self.label = label
        self.branches = list(branches)

    def is_leaf(self):
        return not self.branches

Even though this is a new implementation, everything we know about the functional tree data abstraction remains true. That means that solving problems involving trees as objects uses the same techniques that we developed when first studying the functional tree data abstraction (e.g. we can still use recursion on the branches!). The main difference, aside from syntax, is that tree objects are mutable.

Here is a summary of the differences between the tree data abstraction implemented as a functional abstraction vs. implemented as class:

- Tree constructor and selector functions Tree class
Constructing a tree To construct a tree given a label and a list of branches, we call tree(label, branches) To construct a tree object given a label and a list of branches, we call Tree(label, branches) (which calls the Tree.__init__ method).
Label and branches To get the label or branches of a tree t, we call label(t) or branches(t) respectively To get the label or branches of a tree t, we access the instance attributes t.label or t.branches respectively.
Mutability The functional tree data abstraction is immutable because we cannot assign values to call expressions The label and branches attributes of a Tree instance can be reassigned, mutating the tree.
Checking if a tree is a leaf To check whether a tree t is a leaf, we call the convenience function is_leaf(t) To check whether a tree t is a leaf, we call the bound method t.is_leaf(). This method can only be called on Tree objects.

Linked Lists

We've learned that a Python list is one way to store sequential values. Another type of list is a linked list. A Python list stores all of its elements in a single object, and each element can be accessed by using its index. A linked list, on the other hand, is a recursive object that only stores two things: its first value and a reference to the rest of the list, which is another linked list.

We can implement a class, Link, that represents a linked list object. Each instance of Link has two instance attributes, first and rest.

class Link:
    """A linked list.

    >>> s = Link(1)
    >>> s.first
    >>> is Link.empty
    >>> s = Link(2, Link(3, Link(4)))
    >>> s.first = 5
    >>> = 6
    >>> = Link.empty
    >>> s                                    # Displays the contents of repr(s)
    Link(5, Link(6))
    >>> = Link(7, Link(Link(8, Link(9))))
    >>> s
    Link(5, Link(7, Link(Link(8, Link(9)))))
    >>> print(s)                             # Prints str(s)
    <5 7 <8 9>>
    empty = ()

    def __init__(self, first, rest=empty):
        assert rest is Link.empty or isinstance(rest, Link)
        self.first = first = rest

    def __repr__(self):
        if is not Link.empty:
            rest_repr = ', ' + repr(
            rest_repr = ''
        return 'Link(' + repr(self.first) + rest_repr + ')'

    def __str__(self):
        string = '<'
        while is not Link.empty:
            string += str(self.first) + ' '
            self =
        return string + str(self.first) + '>'

A valid linked list can be one of the following:

  1. An empty linked list (Link.empty)
  2. A Link object containing the first value of the linked list and a reference to the rest of the linked list

What makes a linked list recursive is that the rest attribute of a single Link instance is another linked list! In the big picture, each Link instance stores a single value of the list. When multiple Links are linked together through each instance's rest attribute, an entire sequence is formed.

Note: This definition means that the rest attribute of any Link instance must be either Link.empty or another Link instance! This is enforced in Link.__init__, which raises an AssertionError if the value passed in for rest is neither of these things.

To check if a linked list is empty, compare it against the class attribute Link.empty. For example, the function below prints out whether or not the link it is handed is empty:

def test_empty(link):
    if link is Link.empty:
        print('This linked list is empty!')
        print('This linked list is not empty!')

Required Questions

Getting Started Videos

These videos may provide some helpful direction for tackling the coding problems on this assignment.

To see these videos, you should be logged into your email.

YouTube link

Midsemester Survey

Q1: Mid-Semester Feedback

As part of this lab, please fill out the Mid-Semester Feedback form.

This survey is designed to help us make short term adjustments to the course so that it works better for you. We appreciate your feedback. We may not be able to make every change that you request, but we will read all the feedback and consider it.

Confidentiality: Your responses to the survey are confidential, and only the instructors and head TAs will be able to see this data unanonymized. More specifics on confidentiality can be found on the survey itself.

Once you finish the survey, you will be presented with a passphrase (if you miss it, it should also be at the bottom of the confirmation email you receive). Put this passphrase, as a string, on the line that says passphrase = '*** PASSPHRASE HERE ***' in the Python file for this assignment.

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q midsem_survey

Mutable Trees

Q2: Make Even

Define a function make_even which takes in a tree t whose values are integers, and mutates the tree such that all the odd integers are increased by 1 and all the even integers remain the same.

def make_even(t):
    >>> t = Tree(1, [Tree(2, [Tree(3)]), Tree(4), Tree(5)])
    >>> make_even(t)
    >>> t.label
    >>> t.branches[0].branches[0].label
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q make_even

Q3: Delete

Implement delete, which takes a Tree t and deletes any occurrence of x within it. The order of the branches must be preserved. >>> delete(t, 2)

Important: When a non-leaf node is deleted, the deleted node's children should be attached to the deleted node's parent. You may assume that the root of the tree will never be deleted.

def delete(t, x):
    Delete any occurrence of the 'x' within Tree 't'. When a non-leaf
    node is deleted, the deleted node's children should be attached to
    its parent. The order of the branches must be preserved.

    Assume that the root will never be deleted.

    >>> t = Tree(3, [Tree(2, [Tree(2), Tree(2)]), Tree(2), Tree(2, [Tree(2, [Tree(2), Tree(2)])])])
    >>> delete(t, 2)
    >>> t
    >>> t = Tree(1, [Tree(2, [Tree(4, [Tree(2)]), Tree(5)]), Tree(3, [Tree(6), Tree(2)]), Tree(4)])
    >>> delete(t, 2)
    >>> t
    Tree(1, [Tree(4), Tree(5), Tree(3, [Tree(6)]), Tree(4)])
    >>> t = Tree(1, [Tree(2, [Tree(4), Tree(5)]), Tree(3, [Tree(6), Tree(2)]), Tree(2, [Tree(6),  Tree(2), Tree(7), Tree(8)]), Tree(4)])
    >>> delete(t, 2)
    >>> t
    Tree(1, [Tree(4), Tree(5), Tree(3, [Tree(6)]), Tree(6), Tree(7), Tree(8), Tree(4)])
    new_branches = []
    for _________ in ________________:
        if b.label == x:
    t.branches = ___________________

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q delete

Linked Lists

Q4: Flip Two

Write a recursive function flip_two that takes as input a linked list s and mutates s so that every pair of values in the linked list is flipped.

def flip_two(s):
    >>> one_lnk = Link(1)
    >>> flip_two(one_lnk)
    >>> one_lnk
    >>> lnk = Link(1, Link(2, Link(3, Link(4, Link(5)))))
    >>> flip_two(lnk)
    >>> lnk
    Link(2, Link(1, Link(4, Link(3, Link(5)))))
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

    # For an extra challenge, try writing out an iterative approach as well below!
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q flip_two

Check Your Score Locally

You can locally check your score on each question of this assignment by running

python3 ok --score

This does NOT submit the assignment! When you are satisfied with your score, submit the assignment to Gradescope to receive credit for it.


Make sure to submit this assignment by uploading any files you've edited to the appropriate Gradescope assignment. For a refresher on how to do this, refer to Lab 00.

Optional Questions

Write a function that takes in a Python list of linked lists and multiplies them element-wise. It should return a new linked list.

If not all of the Link objects are of equal length, return a linked list whose length is that of the shortest linked list given. You may assume the Link objects are shallow linked lists, and that lst_of_lnks contains at least one linked list.

def multiply_lnks(lst_of_lnks):
    >>> a = Link(2, Link(3, Link(5)))
    >>> b = Link(6, Link(4, Link(2)))
    >>> c = Link(4, Link(1, Link(0, Link(2))))
    >>> p = multiply_lnks([a, b, c])
    >>> p.first
    >>> is Link.empty
    ___________________ = ___________
    for _________ in ________________:
        if __________________________________________:

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q multiply_lnks

As a reminder, the depth of a node is how far away the node is from the root. We define this as the number of edges between the root to the node. As there are no edges between the root and itself, the root has depth 0.

Given a tree t and a linked list of one-argument functions funcs, write a function that will mutate the labels of t using the function from funcs at the corresponding depth. For example, the label at the root node (with a depth of 0) will be mutated using the function at funcs.first. Assume all of the functions in funcs will be able to take in a label value and return a valid label value.

If t is a leaf and there are more than 1 functions in funcs, all of the remaining functions should be applied in order to the label of t. (See the doctests for an example.) If funcs is empty, the tree should remain unmodified.

def level_mutation_link(t, funcs):
	"""Mutates t using the functions in the linked list funcs.

	>>> t = Tree(1, [Tree(2, [Tree(3)])])
	>>> funcs = Link(lambda x: x + 1, Link(lambda y: y * 5, Link(lambda z: z ** 2)))
	>>> level_mutation_link(t, funcs)
	>>> t
	Tree(2, [Tree(10, [Tree(9)])])
	>>> t2 = Tree(1, [Tree(2), Tree(3, [Tree(4)])])
	>>> level_mutation_link(t2, funcs)
	>>> t2
	Tree(2, [Tree(100), Tree(15, [Tree(16)])])
	>>> t3 = Tree(1, [Tree(2)])
	>>> level_mutation_link(t3, funcs)
	>>> t3
	Tree(2, [Tree(100)])
	if _____________________:
	t.label = _____________________
	remaining = _____________________
	if __________________ and __________________:
		while _____________________:
			remaining =
	for b in t.branches:

Use Ok to test your code:

python3 ok -q level_mutation_link