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Assignment, Week 1: Low-light photography

Unfortunately, most students left before I could announce it. This was originally going to be the very first of the weekly assignments, but since I wasn't able to announce in class, and we haven't yet wrapped up lesson 1, this assignment will be purely optional.

The first unit we will cover is photography in low-light situations. Cameras thrive on light, so when we don't have enough of it, all sorts of problems begin to crop up, and compromises have to be made. To get a feel for the kind of situations encountered with low-light photography, and the effects it has on our images, your assignment is to simply go out and take pictures in low-light situations. This could be outdoors at night, or indoors in a dimly-lit room. It is very important, however, to not use flash in ANY of your pictures.

I don't have a good system yet for submitting photos. For now, please attach the full-size photos to an email and send them to me at nathanyan@berkeley.edu. Feel free to email if you're confused or have any questions. Don't necessarily send me your best pictures - it may be even more helpful to look at the *worst* pictures, so we can analyze the problems we encounter and come up with ways to solve or mitigate them.

Assignment Summary: