- Instructional class accounts (such as "ee1-xx", "cs9a-zz", etc) - all Instructional non-CS and non-EECS named accounts - Instructional named and "cs199" accounts of CS & EECS majors who graduated or left before August 2018 'NAMED' ACCOUNTS THAT WILL EXPIRE 'CLASS' ACCOUNTS THAT WILL NOT EXPIRE To forward your email from @imail.eecs to another email address, see below. For info about your own account, login to WebAcct. 'Named' and 'cs199' accounts for ongoing CS and EECS students will remain active at least until December 2018 without any action by the user.
All files in the /home/tmp directory will be removed. Please read /share/b/pub/removable-media.help for information about backing up your files.
- Cardkey access to the Instructional labs will terminate at midnight on December 14. - Instructional servers may be down at times for maintenance between December 17 and January 18
servers: | downtime affects these services: | |
cory.eecs, ashby.cs, cedar.cs | ssh logins; Ubuntu Linux | |
hpse-{9,10,15}.eecs | ssh LINUX logins; Cadence, Synopsys | |
wprint, iprint | print servers | |
license_srv | license servers | |
imail | instructional email server | |
inst, acropolis, IESG | instructional WEB sites, WebAcct, video streaming | |
WSERVER1 | Windows terminal server logins | |
FILESERVICE | instructional Windows home dirs | |
cedar, hearst, ward, solano | ssh logins; Ubuntu Linux | |
bcom*.eecs, hpse-{11,12,13,14,16}.eecs | ssh LINUX logins; Cadence, Synopsys | |
icluster* | ssh LINUX logins; Hadoop, MapReduce, Synopsys | |
Isvn | Isvn server for classes | |
WSERVER[2-9] | Windows terminal server logins | |
To verify your account status, login to WebAcct.
If our records are in error, you may complete an EECS Account Request Form and submit it at 378 Cory before December 17. Or you can just wait until the start of the next semester, when we will have newer enrollment records, and request your account again.
For class accounts ("cs61a-aa", "ee122-aa", etc), the files will be saved for 1-2 weeks, archived to tape and deleted. Class account logins are reassigned to new students next semester. For named accounts ("jdoe", 'cs199-aa', etc), the files will be saved for about a month after the start of the next semester, and the files will be archived to tape before they are deleted. If the student is eligible again for an account next semester, the account can be renewed. BEFORE your account expires, you can copy your files from your Windows and UNIX home directories by transferring them to a USB memory stick. You could also email them to yourself or use a file transfer program. AFTER your account expires, you will not be able to copy the files. For more information, please see - How Do I Copy Files Between Computers? - http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/pub.cgi?file=file-transfer.help
The files in an expired class account are removed from our disk a week or two after the end of the semester. The files for an expired named account remain on the disk until about 1 month into the next semester. BEFORE and AFTER your account expires (as long as the account still exists), you can download email from imail.eecs.berkeley.edu, the Instructional IMAP server. AFTER your account expires, no new email is accepted here. For more information, please see - How Do I Manage Email? - http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/connecting.html#email Email sent to an expired account can only be forwarded to another system - it will not be saved here. You can also have your own automated reply that tells the sender about your new email address. If you do not set this up, the senders will receive an automated reply telling them that the email address is no longer valid. Email will be forwarded for up to one year after a named account expires. These features are set in a .procmailrc file in your UNIX home directory. You can create or edit the file using a text editor (vi, emacs) when logged into your UNIX account. You can also copy a .procmailrc into an expired account using 'sftp' (see What happens to the files in an expired account?). Each rule in .procmailrc starts with a ":0" line. The "c" in :0c: says to continue to the next rule after processing this one. To enable email forwarding, add a rule like this at the beginning of the rules in .procmailrc: :0c: ! me@new.edu To enable an auto-reply that is sent in response to incoming email, add this rule at the beginning of the rules in .procmailrc: :0c: * !^From[: ].*$LOGNAME | /usr/bin/vacation $LOGNAME For auto-replies, you also need to create a message in a file called .vacation.msg and initialize the UNIX "vacation" program. For example: echo "My new email address is me@new.edu." > ~/.vacation.msg vacation -I You can use a editor to create a better message in the .vacation.msg file. See "man vacation" on a UNIX system for more options.
The Registrar posts grades at CalCentral. If your class used the EECS Instructional grading software ('submit' and 'glookup'), you can still see the 'glookup' results after the account has expired: Login at the WebAcct site: http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/webacct/. Select "List local grades - glookup". Your grades will be displayed for any EECS classes that use a local grading database ('glookup') this semester. This lasts for 1-2 weeks after the account has expired.
All current students at UCB can access the Microsoft Imagine Standard software download site via http://software.berkeley.edu/microsoft. Students in EECS majors and classes can request additional Microsoft Premium products via http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/webacct. EECS users will not be able to request the Premium products between semesters (Dec 17-Jan 18), but if you already have it, access will continue during that time. On January 18 2019, the previous users will be purged. Users who are eligible for the Spring 2019 semester will be able to renew it via http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/webacct. Microsoft Imagine was formerly called "Dreamspark" and "e-Academy".
Instructors must notify inst@eecs about any class accounts that need to be extended after December 17. all class staff accounts (*-t*, *-l*, *-r*) expire after Jan 2. (some CS61C staff accounts will expire after Jan 16) cs61c-tap, cs61c-tah expire Jan 16 ee106a-adz expires Jan 18
Users can use WebAcct to check on the status of their Instructional UNIX named accounts: login using your CalNet ID or Instructional UNIX account. abbasi atownley celio cthompson cwade14 daranki david.schinazi dfarias eminoglu gerke greggscrantton jdhan jht2115 jnnilchi jpduarte j.sadie liur maas pfchiu qiehu rsinha rsportnoff sayeedchowdhury sujaydesai sutardja t.b tlmassey wenli wtchoi yuzhu cs199-fw cs199-fy cs199-fz cs199-gp cs199-ht cs199-sk cs199-sn cs199-xq cs199-ace cs199-acm cs199-afe cs199-agn cs199-agu cs199-ahs cs199-ajg cs199-aji cs199-ajs cs199-ajz cs199-akl cs199-amd cs199-amf cs199-aoh cs199-aph cs199-apr cs199-aps cs199-aqs cs199-asb cs199-asj cs199-aue cs199-aug cs199-auh cs199-aui cs199-auk cs199-aun cs199-aut cs199-auv cs199-auw cs199-aux cs199-avi cs199-avk cs199-avp cs199-avt cs199-avu cs199-avw cs199-awb cs199-awu cs199-aww cs199-axn cs199-axu cs199-axy cs199-axz cs199-aya cs199-ayk cs199-ayo cs199-ayy cs199-azp cs199-azw cs199-azz cs199-bad cs199-bae cs199-bag cs199-bba cs199-bbe cs199-bbu cs199-bca cs199-bcc cs199-bch cs199-bcs cs199-bdj cs199-bdy cs199-bed cs199-bee cs199-bef cs199-beh cs199-bfl cs199-bfm cs199-bgg cs199-bgj cs199-bgm cs199-bgv cs199-bgy cs199-bhe cs199-bhp cs199-bhs cs199-bhw cs199-bif cs199-bih cs199-bik cs199-bin cs199-bkg cs199-bki cs199-bkl cs199-blv cs199-bmc cs199-bmo cs199-bmq cs199-bmw cs199-bni cs199-bnx cs199-bnz cs199-boa cs199-bof cs199-bom cs199-bop cs199-boy cs199-bpf cs199-bph cs199-bql cs199-bqn cs199-bqp cs199-bqs cs199-bqu cs199-bqw cs199-bra cs199-brl cs199-brm cs199-brn cs199-brp cs199-brr cs199-brs cs199-bsb cs199-bsc cs199-bsg cs199-bsh cs199-bsp cs199-bss cs199-bsz cs199-btb cs199-btf cs199-bth cs199-btj cs199-btr cs199-btx cs199-buf cs199-buw cs199-bvu cs199-bwb cs199-bwi cs199-bws cs199-bwy cs199-bxb cs199-byc cs199-byf cs199-byi cs199-byl cs199-byt cs199-byu cs199-bz cs199-bzh cs199-bzr cs199-bzs cs199-bzy cs199-bzz cs199-caa cs199-cae cs199-cau cs199-caw cs199-cbf cs199-cbm cs199-cbo cs199-cbr cs199-cbs cs199-cbw cs199-ccc cs199-cch cs199-ccm cs199-ccy cs199-cdg cs199-cdl cs199-cdm cs199-cdn cs199-cdq cs199-cef cs199-cel cs199-cer cs199-ces cs199-cfa cs199-cfc cs199-cfl cs199-chj cs199-chs cs199-chx cs199-cil cs199-cio cs199-cit cs199-ciu cs199-ciz cs199-cjh cs199-cjk cs199-cjt cs199-cjx cs199-ckc cs199-cks cs199-cky cs199-clj cs199-cln cs199-clr cs199-clu cs199-cme cs199-cmh cs199-cmm cs199-cms cs199-cmt cs199-cmy cs199-col cs199-con cs199-cot cs199-cpb cs199-cpd cs199-cpe cs199-cpg cs199-cph cs199-cpi cs199-cpw cs199-cqp cs199-cre cs199-csb cs199-csc cs199-csg cs199-csh cs199-csn cs199-csq cs199-csy cs199-ctb cs199-ctn cs199-ctq cs199-ctr cs199-ctz cs199-cuc cs199-cuf cs199-cum cs199-cuq cs199-cve cs199-cvr cs199-cvt cs199-cxd cs199-cxe cs199-cxf cs199-cxj cs199-cxm cs199-cxo cs199-cxp cs199-cxs cs199-cxy cs199-cyh cs199-cym cs199-cyo cs199-cyq cs199-cys cs199-cyt cs199-cyu cs199-cyw cs199-czf cs199-czj cs199-czn cs199-czp cs199-czx cs199-dah cs199-dak cs199-daq cs199-dat cs199-dbj cs199-dbo cs199-dbw cs199-dcc cs199-dcj cs199-dct cs199-dcu cs199-dcv cs199-dda cs199-ddf cs199-ddu cs199-deg cs199-dei cs199-del cs199-deq cs199-der cs199-dfe cs199-dfi cs199-dfl cs199-dfo cs199-dfs cs199-dfw cs199-dfx cs199-dfy cs199-dgo cs199-dgr cs199-dgt cs199-dhi cs199-dhl cs199-dhs cs199-dif cs199-dij cs199-dit cs199-diw cs199-djf cs199-dju cs199-dkf cs199-dkh cs199-dkn cs199-dkz cs199-dlc cs199-dld cs199-dln cs199-dlt cs199-dlz cs199-dmd cs199-dmf cs199-dmq cs199-dms cs199-dmx cs199-dmy cs199-dmz cs199-dnl cs199-dnn cs199-doh cs199-dpl cs199-dpm cs199-dpp cs199-dps cs199-dpv cs199-dpw cs199-dqb cs199-dqf cs199-dqt cs199-dqy cs199-dra cs199-drd cs199-dre cs199-drk cs199-drl cs199-drm cs199-drn cs199-drs cs199-dsj cs199-dsk cs199-dsl cs199-dso cs199-dsq cs199-dst cs199-dsx cs199-dsz cs199-dte cs199-dtf cs199-dtg cs199-dtu cs199-dtv cs199-duc cs199-duf cs199-dug cs199-duh cs199-dun cs199-duo cs199-duu cs199-dvu cs199-dwc cs199-dwl cs199-dwo cs199-dwp cs199-dwq cs199-dws cs199-dwt cs199-dwv cs199-dww cs199-dxb cs199-dxc cs199-dxk cs199-dxp cs199-dxt cs199-dyg cs199-dyo cs199-dzc cs199-dzi cs199-eam cs199-ear cs199-eaz cs199-eba cs199-ebb cs199-ebf cs199-ebu cs199-ebz cs199-ec cs199-ecf cs199-edc cs199-eds cs199-eee cs199-eef cs199-eek cs199-efp cs199-efr cs199-egc cs199-egd cs199-egf cs199-egh cs199-egl cs199-egp cs199-egy cs199-ehy cs199-ehz cs199-eia cs199-eig cs199-eim cs199-eja cs199-ejg cs199-ejq cs199-ejr cs199-ejz cs199-ekj cs199-ekl cs199-ekt cs199-ekx cs199-eli cs199-eln cs199-elp cs199-elt cs199-elx cs199-ely cs199-emi cs199-emq cs199-emr cs199-en cs199-enc cs199-enh cs199-enq cs199-ens cs199-enz cs199-eos cs199-ept cs199-epy cs199-epz cs199-eqg cs199-eqk cs199-eqv cs199-eqy cs199-era cs199-erb cs199-erl cs199-ery cs199-esd cs199-ese cs199-esh cs199-esk cs199-esq cs199-etc cs199-etr cs199-ett cs199-ety cs199-eul cs199-euq cs199-eur cs199-eus cs199-euu cs199-euw cs199-eux cs199-evb cs199-evf cs199-evj cs199-ewk cs199-ewo cs199-ews cs199-exb 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cs199-foh cs199-foi cs199-foj cs199-fok cs199-fol cs199-fom cs199-fot cs199-foy cs199-fpa cs199-fpc cs199-fpd cs199-fpm cs199-fpt cs199-fpu cs199-fpv cs199-fqb cs199-fqd cs199-fqe cs199-fqk cs199-fql cs199-fqx cs199-fqy cs199-frc cs199-frg cs199-frn cs199-fro cs199-frq cs199-fsa cs199-fsb cs199-fsc cs199-fsi cs199-fsk cs199-fsv cs199-fsx cs199-fsz cs199-ftf cs199-ftk cs199-ftl cs199-fto cs199-ftp cs199-ftq cs199-ftu cs199-ftw cs199-fud