CS194 Final Project: 
Light Field Camera & Imgae Quilting

Sainan Chen

In this project, I implemented Image Quilting for Texture Synthesis and Texture Transfer, and Light Field Camera with varying focus depth and aperture size. It was a great fun to see how we can build an image of a whole wall using a sample with only several bricks, and it's interesting to use patches from a painting to depict objects in another painting. The simulation of light field camera is actually very useful for people who took pictures and want to change focus points later. Actually there is a released app called Refocusing which follows similar ideas and made it into application.

From this final project, I also learned how to read a paper and how to implement the algorithms in paper. The algorithms used for both parts are not complicated, but the results are very promising, and the result can be further improved by adjusting parameters.  So never be daunted to read and implement a paper! : )