
Linear Equations > Exercises

Nullspace, rank and range

  1. Determine the nullspace, range and rank of a m times n matrix of the form

 A = left( begin{array}{cc} S & 0  0 & 0end{array}right),

where S = mbox{bf diag}(sigma_1,ldots,sigma_r), with sigma_1 ge ldots ge sigma_r>0, and r le min(m,n). In the above, the zeroes are in fact matrices of zeroes with appropriate sizes.

  1. Consider the matrix uv^T with u in mathbf{R}^m, v in mathbf{R}^n.

    1. What is the size of A?

    2. Determine the nullspace, the range, and the rank of A.

Dimension of solution set

Determine the dimension of the sets of solutions to the following linear equations in a vector x in mathbf{R}^n. Hint: use dyads and matrix notation.

  1. :

 sum_{j=1}^n (i+j) x_j = i,;; i=1,ldots,m. ;; (2 le m le n).
  1. :

 sum_{j=1}^n (i+j) x_j = i^2,;; i=1,ldots,m. ;; (3 le m le n).
  1. :

  begin{array}{rcl}2x_1+3x_2+4x_3+5x_4&=&1,3x_1+4x_2+5x_3+6x_4&=&2,4x_1+5x_2+6x_3+7x_4&=&3. end{array}

Solving linear equations with multiple right-hand sides

Often it is of interest to be able to solve linear equations of the form Ax=b for many different instances of the output vector b. In this problem we assume that we are given N such instances b_k, k=1,ldots,N, which are collected as columns of a n times p matrix B. A direct approach to this task is encapsulated in the following matlab snippet:

n = 500; p = 100; A = randn(n); B = randn(n,p);
for k=1:p
	b = B(:,k);
	x = A\b;
fprintf(’elapsed time = %10.7f\n’, toc)

Here is another approach:

n = 500; p = 100; A = randn(n); B = randn(n,p);
[Q,R] = qr(A);
for k=1:p
	b = B(:,k);
	x = R\(Q’*b);
fprintf(’elapsed time = %10.7f\n’, toc)

Which method is faster? Justify your answer.

Polynomial interpolation

In this problem, we look at a simple application of the range space for fitting a polynomial through a set of points. We are given n points (x_1, y_1),ldots (x_n,y_n) in mathbf{R}^2 and we want to find a polynomial mathcal{P} of degree p such that, for all i in 1ldots n, we have mathcal{P}(x_i) = y_i. That is, the polynomial must go through all the points. A polynomial mathcal{P} of degree p is parametrized by the vector of its coefficients, that is:

 mathcal{P}(x) = a_0 + a_1 x + dots + a_p x^p = sum_{i=0}^p a_i x^i.

We assume that if i neq j, , x_i neq x_j.

  1. What is the smallest value of p that ensures that we will be able to fit any n points? Would your answer be the same without the assumption that if i neq j, , x_i neq x_j? Explain briefly why the assumption is important or does not change the answer.

  2. We are given a set of n points. How can we compute the smallest value of p such that there exists a polynomial that goes through all the points? How would you compute the coefficients a_i of the polynomial?

  3. We are told that the points were drawn from a polynomial of degree q and that up to one point is faulty (the polynomial does not go through this point). Is there a faulty point (discuss depending on the respective value of p and q)? If yes, how can you find it?